New Normal: Our Spirits

Good morning!  Glad to be with you. Hope you’re ready for new work in a new week at the Pastor’s Workshop.

We entering our fourth week in our series, “New Normal”.  Our theme has been “training in godliness” from I Timothy 4:7.  Our guiding challenge: What’s one healthy choice for one positive change you can make that would work God’s best into your life?

Week one we focused on our bodies.  Is there a choice you could make relative to your diet, exercise, or sleep that would be a blessing for you?

Week two centered on our minds.  What are you going to “focus on”?   Do you need to “filter out” anything? Is there a new subject you want to start studying? How about spending more time in the Scripture?  Are there ways, particularly during this “shelter season”, you could apply what you know for the benefit of others?

Last week we considered our relationships.  The teacher in Ecclesiastes says “Two are better than one”. How are you keeping in contact? How could you claim an “in-between blessing” by how you choose to relate with those around you? Are there ways you could work together, encourage one another, support each other, forgive one another, cry with one another, rejoice with one another that would “weave Christ” into your relationships?

This week we look into our spirits.  As whole persons, who are “body, mind and spirit”, we know this is a key area for attention.

Our texts for this week come from the Gospel of John.  We’ll be studying John 4:3-15 and John 7:37-39.  Both of these Scriptures speak of “living water” and the Holy Spirit.

The blessing of the Holy Spirit with our human spirits is one we particularly need in this time.  Many have found the “journey” through this season of Covid-19 to be draining and tiring.  It’s wearing and wearying.  The promise of the Holy Spirit holds hope for refreshment, renewal, and revival.  These Scriptures hold a word from Jesus to “Come and Drink, Believe and Receive” the “living water” he gives.

As always we begin Monday with reading and re-reading the Scriptures, silently and aloud.  As you read today, put yourself in each of the scenes – at the well, in the Temple.  What would it be like to be there? What do you see, hear, smell, and feel?  If you were to hear Jesus in the conversation with the woman or in the call to the crowd – what would that have been like?  Turn your “holy imagination” loose.  As you do make sure you record what you notice, think and feel.  As always, these observations are “creative elements” you’ll be using later in the week.

Our first three weeks we looked into “tangibles” – our bodies, our thoughts, our relationships.   This week is “intangible”, yet just as real and just as essential. To make healthy choices with relation to our spirits is critical to our well-being. 

In that faith, I look forward to all that is ahead this week as we “Come to the Well”.

Prayer:  Gracious God, thank you for the blessing of our lives – body, mind and spirit.  Thank you for the gift of your Holy Spirit that would revive and refresh our human spirits.  Use this Scripture and this week to “deepen our thirst” and draw us more fully into the flow of your Spirit.  This we pray in Jesus’s holy name.  Amen

New Normal: Start with Prayer

Grace and Peace on this Saturday!  Hope you’re having a good day.

The best way I know to make this or any day “good” is start your day with prayer.  Prayer centers you in God’s grace.  It focuses your mind and heart on Christ’s presence.  It opens you to God’s working.  It invites you to “share your load” and walk with the Lord.  Nothing beats a day started with prayer!

Since we want not only today, but also tomorrow and worship to be a blessing, prayer is also what we do!  Through prayer we ready our hearts, open our minds, and prepare our wills to receive and respond to all God Is giving. 

Be deliberate and focused.  Take time and “be still”.  Find a quiet place. Claim a “peaceful space”. Let the Lord lead you “beside still waters to restore your soul”.  Psalm 23 is one of the best “centering Psalms”, guiding you into deeper time with God.

After we have readied ourselves with prayer, then we can shift our focus to tomorrow’s message.  We pray for the word we have discerned from the words of Scripture to be God’s Holy Word, guiding us into greater lives of love.

How would you pray for our worship tomorrow? Through what you have discerned, how would you ask God to be at work in your life and in the lives of others?

Our theme for the week has been our relationships.  As Ecclesiastes says, “Two are better than one.” 

That “in-between” blessing is predicated on God’s active grace in the space between you and another. One prayer might be that we be sensitive to the Spirit that “moves in the middle”. 

Another prayer may be that we would be more deliberate in “weaving Christ”, the “third strand”, into our conversations and our actions with others.  How can you be more attentive to “Listening, Learning, and Loving”? How would you ask God to help?

As you look at the message you discerned for the week, how does it call you to follow?  How would your prayer prepare you to faithfully respond to what God has revealed?

In some ways, Saturday is the most important day in the Pastor’s Workshop.  We can prepare our minds all week by studying and thinking, but Saturday takes what we learn and discern to a different level of faith and following.

In that blessing of prayer I’m glad to be with you today and look forward to worship with you tomorrow on Mother’s day.  It will all be good because “God is good!”

See you tomorrow!

Prayer:  Gracious God, thank you for the privilege of prayer.  Thank you for the opportunity you give us to center ourselves in You and Your saving love.  Thank you how You are at work in Your grace.  Thank You for how we are part of that work as we “weave Christ” into our relationships and find how “Three is better than two is better than one”.  In Christ’s precious name we pray.  Amen


New Normal: The Blessing of Two

Greetings! Glad to be with you today.  Being Thursday, we’re almost through in the Pastor’s Workshop.

This week we’ve focused our “New Normal” on our relationships.  As we “train ourselves in godliness” (I Timothy 4:8) how are we making healthy choices to build God’s best into the life we share with others?

Our guiding Scripture in addressing this question has been Ecclesiastes 4:9-12.  Throughout the week we’ve been listening for what this word would say as a Word of truth for us. On Thursday we review our thoughts and discern a message the Spirit would be speaking.  For me as Pastor this will be central to what I say on Sunday.

Here’s how my message is shaping up. 

The two parts of this Scripture that engaged me were the first clause of verse 9 and the last phrase of verse 12.  “Two are better than one” (verse 9).  “A threefold cord”, or as some translations render it, “a cord of three strands”, “is not easily broken” (verse 12). 

“Two are better than One” is a relational principle which resonates powerfully in a time of sheltering, a time when so many of our normal opportunities for relationship are not available.   We miss not being “two-gether”.

“Two are better than One” is a basic statement about what’s possible in human relationships.  For me it witnesses to a spiritual reality existing between myself and everyone I encounter.  In that space “in between” is the presence of God.  God’s grace is there, waiting for me to recognize it and live into it. In every relationship there is an “in-between blessing” ready to come into being.  To have that understanding brings a richness to all relationships.

The teacher of Ecclesiastes recognizes that truth and celebrates it.  The teacher provides four practical examples of what those blessings might look like.

·       When we work together, there is shared reward (collegiality, synergy, mutual accountability, team accomplishment).

·       When one falls down (and certainly life holds lots of falls), another is there to pick them up.

·       When one is out in the cold, another is there to offer personal warmth, comfort, and consolation.

·       When feels vulnerable, another is there to stand alongside, to be with, to offer strength.

There are just a few of the blessings of “two”. As you and I review our relationships we can think of others. 

The “New Normal” challenge for this week: As you review your relationships, what is one way, in one of your relationships, you can claim and live into the “blessing of two”?   Can you work together, lift someone up, comfort someone, stand with and support someone, so you and they share in a blessing?  What are other ways you might claim and live into the “grace” in the “space” between you and another?

Even as we think on this, Ecclesiastes closes by expanding the challenge.  If “two are better than one”, than “three are better than two”.  A cord of three strands is not easily broken.

We think of personal relationships as “two”.  But this Scripture invites us to think of them as “three”, you, the other, and Jesus.    To “weave Christ” into our personal relationships is how we make them strong.

How can we “weave Christ” into personal relationships in a “practical way”? 

For me that answer involves another threesome – Listen, Learn, Love.

First, Listen. Before I fill the space in between me and another with my thoughts, feelings, wants, needs and words, invite the other into that space.  Listen to their thoughts and feelings, their wants and needs. What’s happening in their life? 

Second, Learn.  Beneath every thought or feeling is a reason, a good reason, why a person thinks a certain way or feels a particular emotion.  Learning goes to this “second level”.   This deeper understanding often clears up misunderstandings and builds deep connection.

Third, Love.  God is love.  Jesus is Love in Action. As you Listen and Learn, draw alongside.  What most people really need is a friend who will accept them for who they are and affirm them as a beloved child of God wherever they are in life. And even as you accept and affirm also envision and encourage.  People have hopes and God has purposes.  God’s Spirit would be leading every person into becoming the blessing God would have them to be, the new creation they can be in Christ. 

Your commitment to this cord of three strands, Listening, Learning, Loving, weaves Christ into the relationships you share with others.  This cord of three strands, you, the other, and Jesus Christ, is a strong and beautiful blessing!

That’s how my message is shaping up.  What do you discern? What are your thoughts?  What do you hear in this word from Ecclesiastes?  Again, God’s Spirit speaks uniquely to you, so make sure you listen for what the Lord would be teaching you about your relationships.

I look forward to being with you on Sunday.  It’s Mother’s Day, which is always special.  It’s an opportunity to join our hearts in worship.  It’s a chance to experience how good it is to be “two-gether”, even if it is on the web, and to “weave” the third strand of Jesus Christ into our relationships.

In that blessing, I’ll see you Sunday.  (and on Saturday too, as we prepare with prayer).

Prayer:  Gracious God, thank you for your grace that abides in the “space” between myself and others.  Thank you for how your Holy Spirit invites me to live into grace, so I and others would know the blessings You bring into the relationship we share.   For that gift, which is ever present with everyone, I give you thanks through Jesus Christ who is Friend of all.   In his name I pray.

Blood Drive

Every blood donation saves up to three lives! With an even more desperate need during the current pandemic, we are partnering with Carter BloodCare to host a blood drive on Sunday, May 31st from 10am-3pm here at the church. We have a chance to come together as a community to #GiveForLife.

Blood donation continues to be an essential service and you can still donate safely while practicing social distancing. Appointments will be appropriately spaced out and we welcome donors to wear face coverings and masks during their donation. All standard sanitation and cleaning protocols are in place and the use of PPE for blood exposure-prone tasks applies to every interaction and donation.

Please help us keep our community's blood supply at a healthy level during these uncertain times!


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New Normal: A Threefold Cord

Welcome to Wednesday! Good to be with you, midway to Sunday!

We continue our exploration of the "in-between" blessing we can have in our relationships. Our theme verse, Ecclesiastes 4:9, puts it like this, "Two are better than one."

On Wednesday we look at the context of the text. What is the world into which the Word is spoken? What are some contrasting points of view?

Ecclesiastes brings forward the contrast in verses that precede our Scripture. Ecclesiastes 4:7-8 says, " Again, I saw vanity under the sun: the case of solitary individuals, without sons or brothers; yet there is no end to all their toil, and their eyes are never satisfied with riches. "For whom am I toiling," they ask, "and depriving myself of pleasure?" This also is vanity and an unhappy business.

In this Scripture, the teacher speaks of life as "vanity," emptiness, rather than blessing and fullness. He lifts up, "the case of solitary individuals." What isolates them is, they are "never satisfied with their riches." They question, "Why should I deprive myself of pleasure?" This makes living "an unhappy business."

What the teacher highlights is that we can make other choices about how we live than to be "in relationship as a blessing." If we emphasize the "one," ourselves, we won't get to "two is better than one." With that self-focus we forfeit the opportunity for "in-between" blessing.

In the examples the teacher lifts up, verses 9-12, there are also opportunities to think of contrasts. These serve as warnings. These are ways to rob relationships of the power they have to bless.

In verse 9 - we can work together, seeing others as colleagues, or be perpetually competitive, seeing others as opponents.

In verse 10 - we can lift others up or put others down.

In verse 11 - we can offer understanding and warmth or give the "cold shoulder."

In verse 12 - we can stand up for or tear down.

To claim the blessing of "two are better than one" we have to make healthy choices for positive changes in how we live with others.

The key to all lies in verse 12 - "a threefold cord," some translations say, "a cord of three strands." If two of the strands are you and the other, who is the third "strand?" For me, the image is an invitation to consciously "weave Christ" into our relationships. Jesus' presence is the decisive difference in "two being better than one."

Tomorrow we'll look into that further!

Until then, have a great day. And enjoy the relationships God is giving you!

Prayer:  Gracious God, thank you for your words of truth. Thank you for how they highlight the truth about our lives. Thank you for how they can be a light that helps us see our lives more clearly. Thank you for how your Holy Spirit would guide us by Your word in the blessing that you would have our relationships to be. Two can be better than one as we weave You into each day. In that gift of grace, we give you thanks in Christ's name. Amen

In Christ,


New Normal: Two Are Better Than One

Good morning! It’s good to be together on this Tuesday.  I’m excited about continuing our exploration of a New Normal.

This week our focus is ‘relationships’.  Particularly during this time of the pandemic, are there healthy choices we can make to bring positive changes in this important area of our lives?

Our guiding text is Ecclesiastes 4:9-12.  “Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil. 10 For if they fall, one will lift up the other; but woe to one who is alone and falls and does not have another to help. 11 Again, if two lie together, they keep warm; but how can one keep warm alone? 12 And though one might prevail against another, two will withstand one. A threefold cord is not quickly broken.”

What Word would God be whispering through these words, opening us to greater truth and fuller living in our relationships?

On Tuesdays we look at the structure of the text.  What is the style of the writing?  How is the Scripture constructed to highlight or advance a particular principle or point?

Ecclesiastes is one of the Wisdom books of the Bible.  Like Proverbs it is packed with practicality.  Basic principles for faithful living are stated.  Supporting evidence follows to clarify and strengthen the main idea.

The principle in this text: ‘Two are better than one’ (verse 9).  It’s a maxim about relationships.  It’s a generality that could apply to marriage, siblings, a friendship, a neighbor, a business associate, a co-worker, a classmate. 

The principle recognizes there is a possibility for a blessing that exists “between” you and another.  A relationship can hold a “between blessing”. 

The writer then provides examples, supporting evidence, of what that blessing might be. 

·       If you work together, there is a reward – maybe of collegiality, mutual accomplishment, shared pride, perhaps even joint profit.

·       If you fall down (and falling down can come in many forms), someone is there to pick you up.

·       If you find yourself ‘out in the cold’, someone is there offer warmth (which again comes in many forms).

·       If you find yourself isolated and ‘easy prey’, having two ‘betters your odds’ – there is someone who will stand with you.

These are all great and practical points about the ‘between blessing’ we can provide each other in relationship.  Are there others you can think of?  How would you add to the list?  Think about your own relationships. What are some of the blessings others give to you or you give to them?  List these.  These are how you are living into the biblical wisdom of ‘two are better than one’.

As we see, the text does not stop there.  The writer expands the principle with this ‘teaser’.  If two are good, three are better. “A threefold cord is not easily broken.” (verse 12)  What do you think that means? How does this observation advance the basic thought?  How is this an extension of the blessing that is found in relationships?

Lots of worthwhile questions to ponder.  As you reflect make sure you record your thoughts.   Your observations are how the Scripture is ‘true for you’.  Don’t want to miss that!

Enjoy the rest of your day and the ‘between blessings’ of your relationships today.  As you are ‘there’ for those you care for, you will discover the principle ‘two are better’ coming true.

See you again tomorrow in the Pastor’s Workshop.

Prayer:  Gracious God, thank you for the gift of today.  Thank you for my relationships. By your Spirit help me to live into them that they might be the blessing you would have them to be for the other and for me. In Jesus’ name I pray.  Amen.

New Normal: Our Relationships

Good to be with you at the beginning of a new week.   It’s a blessing to think about what God has ahead as we explore the Scripture together in the next seven days.

We’re continuing on in our series, ‘New Normal’.   The challenge each week has been, “What is one healthy choice you can make for one positive change that would build God’s best into your life?”

Our first week we focused on our bodies.  What is one healthy choice you could make in relation to your diet, exercise or sleep that would “glorify God with your body” (I Corinthians 6:19)?

Last week we centered on our minds.  Our theme verse was from Romans 12:2 – “Don’t be conformed to this world, be transformed by the renewal of your minds.”  What is one healthy choice you could make in relation to knowledge, wisdom or understanding (Proverbs 2:6)? Is there a subject you want to study that would broaden your understanding of the world or deepen your connection with others?  Could this be a time to do more Bible study and grow in your knowledge of the Scripture? Even as you are learning new things, what are you doing with what you know?  How you applying your knowledge to bless others and glorify God?  That’s wisdom. And thirdly, understanding --- Would this season of sheltering provide opportunity for deeper personal reflection and introspection?  As you review your thoughts and actions in light of your basic beliefs about God and God’s grace could this be a time to renew your mind and heart in the love of God in Christ?  There’s lots to think about when it comes to ‘renewing our minds’.

This Sunday is Mother’s Day.  It’s a great Sunday to think about the significant, nurturing relationships of our lives.  It’s an important opportunity to give thanks for those who have been and brought that blessing to us.  It’s a timely moment to consider how we might provide that same grace for others.

The Scripture for Sunday is Ecclesiastes 4:9-12.  It’s a well-known text.  It advances the principal that ‘two are better than one’.  At the end it takes an additional jump. If two are good then three is even better!

This week we’ll be asking, “What does that relational advice mean?”  Even more, how can we apply it?  How can we weave a “cord of three strands” that is not easily broken?

As always on Monday we immerse ourselves in the Biblical text.  Read the Scripture two or three times silently.  Then read it two or three times aloud.  See what words, phrases, cadences, clauses stand out to you.  Write these down.  The Spirit is speaking to your mind and heart!

If you’ve got the time paraphrase the Scripture In your own words.  Writing the text as you would say it is a great exercise in opening up God’s truth from your perspective.

I look forward spending this week with you focused on relationships.  I’m grateful for how God will bless our time in the Word.  As we make healthy choices, I know the Holy Spirit will be strengthening us to become the nurturing servants God would have us to be in Christ.

Prayer:  Gracious God, thank You for a new week and fresh beginnings. Thank You for the ways You’ll be at work in our minds and hearts by your Scripture and Spirit.   Use our time with You to bring a blessing into the lives of others through the relationships we share.  In the precious name of Jesus we pray.

New Normal: Prayer to Prepare

Grace and Peace to you on this beautiful Saturday.  I’m glad we spent the week together in the Pastor’s Workshop.  “Working” and “walking” through the Scripture together is always a blessing.

On Saturday we join in a ‘prayer to prepare’.  We know worship is more than the preacher talking and people listening.  Worship is about God working!  By the Spirit, God is growing up grace in our lives.  Through prayer we want to be ready to participate.

This week’s challenge is about making healthy choices for our minds. Our theme verse was Romans 12:2 – be transformed by the renewing of your minds.  When God redeems it’s not simply about our souls.  It’s also about our bodies and minds, so that we might live more fully today.

We looked at three areas for possible positive change: knowledge, wisdom and understanding.  These were drawn from Proverbs 2:6 (one of our focus Scripture verses).

·       With knowledge: How do you want to ‘grow in what you know’?  What do you want to ‘focus on’?  Is there anything you need to ‘filter out’?  Good, healthy information leads to positive, personal transformation.

·       With wisdom: How you can you use what you know to serve and bless others and also glorify God?  Your expertise can be a ministry with others.  You can share in a way that others experience God’s care. How might you use what you know?

·       With understanding: As you review your basic assumptions (beliefs) about life, God, yourself and others in light of God’s truth in Christ, how might that renew your mind in God’s transforming love?

When we start “renewing our minds” with God’s transforming truth there is a lot to think about (and to pray about)!

Even as you prepare with prayer, know that God hears and answers.  God is a God of grace.  It is God’s will to grow you and me up in that grace in Christ. God wants to equip and enable us to be the blessings we were created to be.  Renewing our minds in Christ, as our Way, Truth and Life is a gift God gives.

In that faith, I look forward to prayer today and worship tomorrow!

See you then!

Prayer:  Gracious God, thank you for the gift of our minds.  We praise you for the blessings you give: in how we can grow in what we know, be wise to live in your ways, and come to understand the depth of your Kingdom’ purpose in us. For your transforming truth that would refresh and renew our minds in you today and always, we bless you, through Jesus Christ our Light of Truth and Life.  Amen

New Normal: God's Transforming Truth

Welcome to the Workshop on this beautiful day.  It’s Thursday and we’re almost through!

As you know, Thursday is when we collect all our thoughts and notes.  We put them together and see how they fit with each other.  We seek to discern a ‘larger picture’.  We look for a message emerging.

I’ll share my thoughts about what I’m experiencing.  Even as I do that, I hope you’ll look at your own writings and reflections.  See the message the Spirit would be speaking to you.  The great thing about Scripture is that the Spirit will use it to speak a message unique to you and your needs for God’s grace today. 

Here’s the message coming forward for me.

Our focus phrases for the message come from Romans 12:2, “be transformed by the renewal of your minds” and Proverbs 2:6, “The Lord gives wisdom, and from his mouth come knowledge and understanding."

As we go through this season of sheltering in place, one of the challenges I have kidded about with family and friends is coming out of this time “without losing our minds”. Even though “sanity” is a great goal, I have higher hopes for this message. 

The text invites us to embrace this reality, God’s truth is a ‘transforming truth’.   God’s truth will change the way you look at life, the world, others, and yourself, if you give it a chance. Our focus verse calls us to renew and refresh our minds with that transforming truth of God.

Our challenge for this week (which is a similar to the one issued in last week’s message): “What is one healthy choice you could make that would be a positive change in any one of these three areas, knowledge, wisdom, or understanding (Proverbs 2:6) as a step to renew your mind with God’s transforming truth?”

We start off with ‘knowledge’.  How can we grow in what we know?  In our information age we are swamped with an availability of information. How can we not be overwhelmed?  Perhaps the four most important words for us to learn – “I have a choice!”  We have a choice of what we “focus on” and what we “filter out”.  We make that choice knowing “Good Healthy Information leads to Positive Personal Transformation”. 

So what is it you want to “focus on”, study, or learn, during time?  What would expand your understanding of the world or deepen your insights into others? Would this be a good time for you to spend extra time in the Scriptures?  Would a good study workbook, devotional guide or even the Bible itself bring a blessing that would renew your mind in the transforming truths of God? 

Or, could it be that a healthy step would be what you “filter out”?  Sometimes the healthy step is not what we include, but what we exclude.  Is there anything detrimental or distressing you need to “filter out” and refocus your energies to something more positive and productive? Could this be a time to grow in what you know?

Secondly, wisdom.  If knowledge is about “what” we know, wisdom is about “how” you use what you know.  If knowledge involves information, wisdom brings in application.  As Solomon asks for wisdom in II Chronicles 1, he’s requesting God enable him to use what he knows so he can provide leadership for the people of Israel.  He wants to use his knowledge to bless the nation with leadership and glorify God through his kingly rule.  As you seek Wisdom, how might you use what you know (in an area of your expertise or subject you have mastered) to be a blessing to others and bring glory to God?  Part of wisdom, when exercised, is knowing the struggles others are facing, the challenges they are seeking to overcome, and the concerns they have on their hearts.  As you are aware of their need you can bring your care compassionately and wisely!  Is there a way that you could grow in wisdom?

Lastly, understanding.  If knowledge is “what” and wisdom is “how” then understanding is “why”.  Understanding provides underlying insight. It offers deeper perspective on what influences our choices. Sometimes the best way to grow in understanding is to know that “To Renew your mind, you have to Review your beliefs”.   Sometimes the key to renewing our minds lies in reviewing our basic beliefs about life, God, Jesus, ourselves, and others in the light of God’s truth.

So far that’s how the message is moving forward for me.  As you can see, there’s lots to think about.  I guess that’s appropriate for a sermon entitled, “My Mind Matters”. 

What message is emerging for you?  What would you title your thoughts?   Sometimes coming up with a title can be a great challenge. It makes you crystalize your core message into 2 or 3 words.

Even as you’re thinking about your message, I’d also invite you to reflect on this week’s challenge, “What is one healthy choice you could make that would be a positive change in knowledge, wisdom or understanding, to renew and refresh your mind in God’s transforming truth?”  I pray your answer would be a blessing for you and for others.

In that transforming grace I look forward to being with you again on Saturday and on Sunday as we “renew our minds” together.

Prayer: Gracious Lord, we thank you that yours is a “transforming truth”.  As we live in light of your word and ways you change how we see and experience life.  We are grateful for this blessing of renewing our minds by your grace.  Lead us forward in this healthy choice and positive change by your Holy Spirit.  In the name of Jesus, the Way, Truth, and Life we pray. Amen


New Normal: Do Not Be Conformed To This World

Welcome to Wednesday.  You’ve made it to mid-way!  And we’re on the way in the Pastor’s Workshop to a wonderful Sunday worship.

This week, as we continue to ‘train ourselves in godliness’ in a ‘New Normal’, we are focused on ‘renewing our minds’.  We’re lifting up three areas for attention: knowledge, wisdom, and understanding.  Our theme verses are Romans 12:2 (Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds, so that you may discern what is the will of God—what is good and acceptable and perfect) and Proverbs 2:6 (For the Lord gives wisdom;    from his mouth come knowledge and understanding).  We’re bringing forward this challenge: “What would it mean to make one healthy choice for one positive change in any one of these three areas of attention?”

On Wednesday we put our texts into their contexts.  We look at the world into which the original Scriptures spoke and the times in which we live to discover more fully the power of the Word.

As the Apostle Paul wrote to the Christians in Rome he knew they faced pressure to conform.  There was a relentless undertow to be and become like everyone else.  He knew how powerful cultural peer pressure could be. It was a formidable force, often in opposition to their growth in faith. So he challenges them – “Don’t be conformed to this world…” Think about things differently.  Take an alternative perspective on life.   Know there is a greater truth that can be a light for learning.   “Be transformed by the renewal of your mind.”

The Teacher In Proverbs 2 says, “make your ear attentive to wisdom, incline your heart to understand, seek it like silver.”  He knows knowledge, wisdom, and understanding are important because, “(they) will save you from the way of evil, from those who speak perversely, from those whose paths are crooked and are devious in their ways.”  He says there are those who, “walk in the ways of darkness” and so the light of truth is essential.

In our world we know the pressures to conform.  We are familiar with influences that would impede our growth in faith.  We know there are sometimes subtle yet significant forces that sideline our best efforts to make healthy choices and positive changes.  We know how important it is to “focus on” what is good and “filter out” what is detrimental. Jot down what those influences and temptations are for you.  What would a healthy choice be for you?  What might that positive change mean for you?  Again, write down your reflections.   

As we move towards Sunday, it is this dynamic tension that provides the motivation for the message.  How we choose not to conform but be transformed is critical. How you and I choose to use and renew our minds matters!  That is our title for this ‘New Normal’ message: My Mind (Your Mind) Matters!

I look forward to exploring more fully tomorrow what that all means and how our Sunday message might look like.  

In that grace, we’ll see you Thursday!

Prayer:  Gracious God, we know there can be gaps in our knowledge, weaknesses in our wisdom, and shortcomings in our understandings.  Yet in your grace, you shine your light of truth and love into our lives through your Word, that we might be transformed by the renewing of our minds.  We give you thanks for that gift and for the ways that this week you would work that blessing.  This we pray in the name of the Light of Life, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.   

New Normal: Be Transformed By the Renewing of Your Mind

Good day! It’s great to be together on Tuesday in the Pastor’s Workshop.

Yesterday we introduced our ‘New Normal’ focus for the week – our minds.  Our theme for our message – our minds matter!

Today we look at the nature and structure of our text (or texts).  How are they written in ways that advance our message?

This week is unusual for us.  We’re working with three Scriptures: Romans 12:2, II Chronicles 1:7-12, Proverbs 2:1-15.  They approach our theme from different perspectives.

Romans 12:2 is an exhortation. It’s a statement of broad principle by the Apostle Paul to the believers in Rome. It’s a call into the transformed life found in following Christ.  “Be transformed by the renewal of your minds”.  He’s inviting them to think differently about life, to adopt a different perspective on their priorities.  How they’re using their minds really matters.

II Chronicles is a personal illustration.  It’s an encounter between God and Solomon.  Solomon had ascended to being king of Israel.  God, in faithfulness to the covenant with Israel, ‘asks’ Solomon, “what should I give you?” It is Solomon’s big opportunity to express his heart’s desire.  He is guided in his request by the greater responsibilities that are now his.  He asks for ‘wisdom’.  God is pleased.  ‘Wisdom’ seeks a greater good than personal gain.  ‘Wisdom’ uses knowledge in ways that others are blessed.  ‘Wisdom’ equips Solomon to live into the unique purpose God has opened for him.

Proverbs is a word of instruction.  “Make your ear attentive to wisdom and incline your heart to understanding.” (verse 2).  As we make our choices about how we focus our minds the teacher of Proverbs wants us to know “the Lord gives wisdom: from his mouth come knowledge and understanding.” (verse 6).   These three, knowledge, wisdom, and understanding, will “guard paths of justice” and “save us from the ways of evil” (verses 8 and 12).

As we “train ourselves in godliness” (our overall theme verse) this exhortation, illustration and instruction all work together.  They provide us a principle, a picture and a practice all moving the message forward.

What do you see in these texts?  Does one ‘speak’ to you more than the others?  What do you think is most important about what they are lifting up?  What do they say to guide your growth in knowledge, wisdom and understanding?  Make sure to write down your thoughts!

Today will look at the texts. Tomorrow we look at the contexts.  What are the contrasts that add deeper meaning to the message?  I look forward to investigating that blessing with you!

Prayer: Gracious God, you give your Word through your Scriptures.  Open our minds by your Spirit that the words of the Bible would be for us a light of truth.  Help us to exercise our minds in faith that we might enter more fully into the knowledge, wisdom and understanding you would give through Jesus our Lord, who is the Way, Truth and Life. In his name we pray. Amen

New Normal: Renewing Our Minds

Good morning on this Monday in the Pastor’s Workshop.  It’s a new week.  It’s a clean slate.  It’s time to start thinking again about the message for Sunday.  It’s time to trust God to lead us in this creative process.

As you know we are in a series entitled ‘New Normal’.  We began two weeks ago focusing on ‘training ourselves in godliness’.  Our theme verse was I Timothy 4:7.  Our guiding question, ‘How do I use this time of ‘sheltering in place’ to make healthy choices for my life?’  We want to make the most of these difficult days by making a change (or two) that would become a healthy habit. We hope to build God’s best into our daily ways, not only for now but for the ‘new normal’ ahead.

Last week we got specific about this ‘training’, beginning on the most basic level – our bodies.  Our theme verse was I Corinthians 6:20.  Our leading thought was ‘glorify God with your body’.  We saw how the Apostle linked physical fitness and exercising our faith in ways we realize what’s best for our bodies is also good for our spirits.  We looked at healthy choices we could make in the areas of eating, exercise and sleep.  We received a challenge to make a change that would glorify God with how we care for the trust of our bodies.

This week we shift to a higher level – our minds.  We’ll be using several texts: Romans 12:2, II Chronicles 1:8-12 and Proverbs 2:1-15.  Our theme verses will be Romans 12:2 and Proverbs 2:6.

“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds, so that you may discern what is the will of God—what is good and acceptable and perfect.”  (Romans 12:2)

“For the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding” (Proverbs 2:6)

As you see from these texts we’ll be looking into renewing our minds with the wisdom, knowledge and understanding that the Lord gives.

As on every Monday I invite you to read through all the texts silently and then aloud.  Note what words and phrases catch your eye and ear.  Be sure to record these.  They are the stirrings of the Spirit that are the start of the creative process.

If you have time, after you have read and recited, paraphrase one or two of the texts.  How would you tell these truths in your own words?  This will help you internalize the message.

It’s always exciting to see how God will use a Scripture to bring forward a light of truth we can live by.

In that blessing I look forward to ‘training ourselves in godliness’ by ‘renewing our minds’ in the week ahead.

Prayer:  Gracious God, thank you for the gift of a fresh new week.  Thank you for the gifts of fresh new thoughts.  Thank you for fresh new leadings of your love through your Word.  In that grace thank you for how you’ll be renewing our minds in Jesus, who is the way, truth and life.   In his name we pray.

New Normal: Preparing A Sermon

We've made it through another week! I'm glad we've done it together.

I'm also thankful we've taken time to think about our bodies and our faith! I'm grateful we've spent time in the Scripture (I Corinthians 6:19-20). I know God has blessed your time of study and reflection.

Saturday is our final day of preparation in the Workshop. We've got our message written and ready. But we're not done.

Today is a day we also "practice preach." We preach the sermon aloud at home. My refrigerator has been "converted" more than most fridges! You don't want your time in the pulpit to be the first time you ever have voiced a message.

There's a "shaping" that happens as a message is said aloud. "Rough edges" are rephrased and 'bumpy' sections are smoothed. It's key to the preparation process.

On Saturday we also "prepare with prayer." We place the worship hour in God's hands. We ask God to work, opening our minds, and encouraging our hearts. We pray that the preached word would give voice to the Spirit's call, drawing us closer to Christ and his ways for our lives.

This week particularly I pray we would see this time of sheltering as an opportunity to make healthy choices for our bodies. I hope we might start a habit or two that would be a "training in godliness." I ask God to help us make a holistic connection between our body and our spirit. I pray we would take a step to build God's best into our bodies as an exercise of faith.

Sunday worship is a time when God works. Worship anchors us in grace. It centers us in Christ's love. It strengthens us to serve our family, neighbors, and world in Jesus' ways. In that gift God gives in Jesus Christ I look forward to being with you tomorrow! (Our viewing time now starts at 6:00 am. Since we're taped you can tune in any time!)

See you then!

Prayer: Lord, thank you for this final day to rest up and get ready. We pray you would work in a special way in our lives as we worship you tomorrow. We are grateful that even as we shelter in place we can worship together in Spirit. In that blessing we have in you, we give you thanks for our week past and our worship tomorrow, in Jesus' name. Amen

In Christ,


New Normal: An Exercise in Faith

Grace and peace on this Thursday!  It’s good to be with you in the Pastor’s Workshop today.

This week we’ve been working on a Sunday message based on I Corinthians 6:19-20.  In this Scripture the Apostle Paul reminds us that our bodies are a gift of God, a temple of the Spirit.  He encourages us to treat our bodies with respect and to care for them in ways we honor God.  The phrase he uses is, “glorify God with your body”. 

Thursday is when we take all our thoughts from the week and see how they come together.  What is the message emerging from your written notes and creative musings?  What is God speaking to you?  Where do you need to listen to and to follow?

As I look backwards on my notes and forward towards Sunday morning here’s the message shaping up for me.

We all are blessed with a body.  How we treat our bodies is important.

Our bodies require ‘constant maintenance’.  We call that ‘training’ – physical training.

We all know that. What we don’t often think about (and what the Apostle reminds us of when he says, “Do you know…”) is that our physical training is also an exercise in faith. Our physical training can be a ‘training in godliness’. When we do something good for our body, it is also good for our soul.  When we do something good for our bodies, we are also building God’s good will for our health, well-being and strength into our lives. 

 The Apostle drives home his point with these insights noted in the text: 1) Our bodies are a “temple of Holy Spirit” abiding in us; 2) our bodies are a gift “we have from God; 3) are bodies are a trust, “they are not our own”; 4) are bodies are invaluable to God, “we were bought with a price”.  All that being said, the Apostle says our opportunity is to “glorify God with our bodies”.

The question is, “What does that mean?” – to “glorify God with our bodies?”

To focus that challenge specifically, what is one change you can make in how you care for your body which would be not only a physical act, but also an act of faith?  What choice can you make where you say, “this is a way I want to glorify God with my body?”  How can you can build healthier choices into your daily routine so you might be more fit to serve others and be the blessing God would have you to be? Jot down your ideas.

There are three core areas of health where changes will be considered in this message: food, exercise, rest.  In looking at these areas many things we already know.  The question becomes where do I need to act?  What change do I need to make to be more physically fit and faithfully engaged ?  The message will go more in depth on these.

As we make these changes, as we move into this personal “New Normal”, we experience a blessing.  Our message will close with a good illustration of “feeling Gods’ pleasure”.  But more than that you’ll want to tune in because John Tarver’s postlude captures the closer magnificently!

As always this is just the basic outline.  Sunday morning’s message will be enriched and expanded to make it more engaging and allow for deeper exploration.  I hope you’ll want to view how it all is proclaimed.  (It is now available as of 6:00 am on Sundays – thanks to our new filming schedule and wonderful production crew!)

I look forward to being with you then.  And even before, I’m glad we can join together on Saturday for the ‘prayer that prepares’. 

In that anticipation have a great day and I’ll see you on Saturday in the Pastor’s Workshop.

Prayer:  Lord, thank you for Word.  Thank you for your Holy Spirit and the ways the Spirit speaks to our hearts through your Word, bringing us into your Holy Will.  Lord, let us live faithfully to how you guide, so that we might live more fully into who you would have us to be in Christ Jesus.  For that gift of your grace you offer us today, we thank you in Jesus’ name.  Amen

New Normal: Glorifying God with our Bodies

Welcome to Wednesday!  As we shelter in place, it’s good we can be in God’s word together.

A Recap of our week: 

On Monday we focused our series, ‘New Normal’, on the most basic level of who we are – our bodies.  We selected I Corinthians 6:19-20 for our spiritual guide. (Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, which you have from God, and that you are not your own? 20 For you were bought with a price; therefore glorify God in your body.)

On Tuesday we looked closely at this text.  We saw how many ideas were in these two verses!  “Do you not know”… 1) that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit; 2) is a gift “which you have from God”; 3) is a trust from God, we “are not our own”; 4) is invaluable to God, we were “bought with a price”; 5) In conclusion, “therefore”, here’s what we need to do – “glorify God in your body”.  Lots to think about!  From this Scripture we see more clearly how our acts of physical fitness are an exercise in faith.

On Wednesdays we look into the world in which the Word was originally spoken.  We also look at our world in which the Word speaks today.   What is the context for the text?

In the Greek culture there was a glorification of the human body – for the body’s sake. The statues you see from the day have “perfect bodies”.  Not only was there a glorification of the body, there was an indulgence of the body.  You see that reflected in Chapter 6, verses 12-18.  The body was for pleasure.  Paul writes to the Corinthian Christians because they were struggling with these cultural values.  He was providing a different perspective on our human bodies as creations of God.

What about today?  You might say, “Doesn’t seem like things have changed a lot!”  We live in a very ‘body conscious’ culture, where ‘body image’ is elevated.  So many people you see in magazines or  movies are perfect, have an ‘ideal body’.  When this is projected as reality, what happens to our satisfaction with our bodies?  What pressure does this put on our youth, particularly girls?  And in our culture, how much of the thinking about our bodies revolves around pleasure?  How is that projected?  And how is it being lived out?  In many ways we find ourselves in the position of the Corinthian Christians, we need a ‘bigger perspective’ on how we view and treat our bodies.  This Scripture provides that alternative view. We can ‘glorify God’ by how we treat our bodies.

Our theme verse for this series has been I Timothy 4:7.  “Train yourself in godliness”.  We recognize today, what is good for our bodies is also good for our souls.  We realize when we do something good for our bodies, we are building God’s good will for our health, wholeness, well-being and strength into our lives.  God has given each of us a great platform In our bodies to glorify God.  How you and I take care of ourselves and treat our bodies matters to us and to God!

In that thought and that blessing, I look forward to joining with you tomorrow as we see how all our ideas come together in the message for this week.  See you then!

Prayer:  Lord, thank you for your Word.  It helps us live in our world.  Your Word provides a perspective we need to hear.  Your Word calls us into health and wholeness, well-being and strength which is your gift of grace to us.  In that blessing we give you thanks for how we can use our bodies to glorify You.  In Jesus’ name. Amen

New Normal: The Blessing of our Bodies

Good afternoon! Glad to be with you, together on Tuesday!

Yesterday we highlighted this week’s emphasis for our series, ‘New Normal’.  Our focus will be on fitness – physical fitness.  We noted how physical fitness and fitness in faith go together.  We decided on  I Corinthians 6:19-20 as our theme verse to spotlight this connection.

On Tuesdays we look at the structure of our text.  What are key thoughts, building blocks, of this Scripture?   How are they organized?  How do they work together to advance the message?

Like much of the Apostle Paul’s writings, this text is ‘dense’.  There is so much packed into just two verses! As we begin to examine this Scripture you’ll see how each phrase provides a thought provoking avenue for reflection.

In verse 19 alone there are at least four distinct thoughts.

1.     He opens with an ‘attention getter’, ‘Do you not know…’  It’s an invitation into an awakening, an awareness that the Apostle is about to introduce.

2.     ‘Your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit’. This is a statement about the sacredness of your body.  It’s not our souls alone that are sacred to God.

3.     Your body is a gift.  The body you have is ‘from God’.  As with any gift are you enjoying it? How are you using it?

4.     Your body is a trust – ‘it is not our own’. How you treat your body is a matter of stewardship.

Verse 20 continues with two more insights.

5.     Your body is so worthy of your care.  It is invaluable.  ‘You were bought with a price’.  The cost of redeeming us (all of us – our body, mind, soul and strength) was the Cross of Christ.

6.     The Apostle closes with a summary. ‘Therefore, glorify God with your body.’ 

There are lots of ideas in a short space.  They provide plenty of opportunity for reflection and meditation.

As we think about each of these insights they deepen our appreciation of our bodies.  More than that, as you put all these thoughts together, as a collective witness they provide a powerful call into ‘training in godliness’ (our theme verse for our series from I Timothy 4:7).

As you look at the Scripture what do you see?  What ideas stand out for you?  Are there ways the ideas ‘flow’ or ‘build on each other’?  Write down your insights!

As you begin to move towards tomorrow how do these reflections about our bodies contrast with current cultural thinking?  How does the ‘body image’ proclaimed in this Scripture inform and maybe even transform your current thinking about your body?  Jot down your thoughts!

In a society that is so ‘body conscious’ this Scripture has a relevant message for us to hear.  I’m glad to be listening with you as we walk through this week and move into our ‘New Normal’ together.

Prayer:  Lord, we thank you for the gift of today and the blessing of our bodies.   Let me be grateful for everyday when I enjoy good health.  Let me be prayerful in those times when I need your healing mercies.   Let me treat my body as your trust in ways that I would grow in faith through fitness training in godliness.  In your strong name I pray.

New Normal: Our Body is a Temple

Good Morning!  Glad to be with you and start the week together.  Today we begin our new week with new work on a ‘New Normal’.

‘New Normal’ is the title of our new series.  It’s based on the premise that as we come out of the pandemic and re-engage ‘regular life’ there will be a ‘new normal’.   The question we raised, “What will determine this ‘new normal’?”

Our answer, and our affirmation as people of faith, is that Easter and the Resurrection would be the shaping force for our future.   Jesus Christ rose and in his rising offers us the gift of risen life in himself.  We build this ‘risen life’ into our lives by ‘training ourselves in godliness’. (I Timothy 4:7)

Our message last Sunday (April 19 – available on our website focused on ‘training ourselves in godliness’.   What does that mean?  For us it meant working God’s good will and good ways into our will and ways.  ‘Training in godliness’ is comprehensive, covering all areas of life – our bodies, minds, emotions, spirits, homes and families, our friends and community, and our world.  The ‘training challenge’ – what one change can you make during this time of ‘sheltering’ (even, one change in each of the above areas) to initiate your ‘new normal’?

So much for background!  Now on to our beginning!  This week we’re going to start our ‘training in godliness’ at a most basic level – with our bodies.

Our Scripture is I Corinthians 6:19-20. (“Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, which you have from God, and that you are not your own? 20 For you were bought with a price; therefore glorify God in your body.” ) As we explore this text together we find our Christian faith does have something to say about our physical fitness.

On Monday we immerse ourselves in the Scripture of the week.  So I invite you to read and reread these two verses, silently, then aloud.  Listen to the words and phrases.  Do any of them ‘stand out’ for you?  Jot down those words and phrases.   

Then as part of your ‘immersion process’ copy these two verses.  If you have time, copy the two verses from several translations.  (As I have shared before is a great source for multiple translations of a text.) 

Then, finally, paraphrase the Scripture in your own words.  If you were the Apostle Paul writing to the church at Corinth what would you be saying about ‘our bodies’ and how they are the ‘temple of the Holy Spirit’? 

Do these verses help you to think any differently about your body?  About how you approach your physical health?  In what ways? 

As you think about your body as being ‘from God’ and ‘not our own’ what might those phrases mean for how you treat your body? 

How valuable is your body – since you were ‘bought with a price’?

And finally, how am I ‘glorifying God’ by how I relate to and treat my body?

This short text gives us lots to think about as we ‘train ourselves in godliness’ and establish our ‘new normal’ in God’s good will and ways.

That’s enough for now.  I’ll let you get to work – in your ‘immersion process’ and in your thoughts.  As always, make sure to ‘capture’ them all – write them all down!  You never know how God is going to use one of your thoughts to bring forward a message for you this week!

Enjoy your work and I’ll see you tomorrow in the Workshop!

Prayer:  Lord, thanks for the gift of Monday and a fresh start in a new week.  Use your word to guide us into your good will and good ways for our will and ways.  Strengthen us by your Spirit as we ‘train ourselves in godliness’.  This we pray through Jesus Christ our Lord!

New Normal: Using This Time Deliberately

Good to be with you this Saturday!  Glad to come to the end of another week together in the Workshop.

At the close of each week, we give God thanks for a good time of preparation.  We’re grateful for whatever message we’ve written, believing that the Spirit has been active in our minds and hearts as we’ve done our work.

We’re also aware that whatever is on our pages is not the “final product”.  

Preparation is phase one.  The proclamation is another critical step in bringing a message.  Part of our prayer on Saturday is to ask God, that just as the Spirit has been with us in getting ready, the Spirit would be with us in presenting the message.  We pray the message would be delivered clearly, concisely and compellingly.

But that is not the end of our Saturday prayer.  Thirdly, we pray for impact.  We ask God to bless the message in the lives of the hearers.  We pray the message works in minds and hearts, inspiring, encouraging and strengthening us to be faithful followers of Christ. That’s the end goal of every message – that it might be a word communicating God’s Word, connecting worshippers with the Lord in ways we grow up in God’s grace. 

With all that said, what about our prayer for this week? What impact would we specifically ask?

My prayer is that as we hear this word from I Timothy, to “train ourselves in godliness”, as a calling into an opportunity.  I hope we realize how sheltering in place might offer a blessing.  It is a time to build God’s goodwill and God’s good ways into our will and ways.  It is a chance to pursue a purpose that is personally productive.   We can be deliberate about cultivating one or two new habits that would be beneficial for us and for others. 

My second prayer is that we realize “training ourselves in godliness” can extend beyond this season of sheltering.  This training can be part of our “new normal”.  In the Resurrection of Christ, God constantly invites us to embrace and grow in lives of love and service.  The theological term for this is “sanctification”.   “Training myself in godliness” is how I intentionally and faithfully cooperate with God in this growth.

Those are two prayers I ask God to work in our lives through this message and through our worship tomorrow.  What are your prayers?  What are your prayers for yourself? For other worshippers? For our church? For our community?  How might a blessing grow and spread if you “train yourself in godliness”?  Make sure you write down your prayers.  Then you can see how God will answer them!

I know God hears our prayers as we lift them in Christ’s name, for the Kingdom’s sake.  In that trust, I look forward to being with you in worship tomorrow.  I’m excited about all God will be working as we “train ourselves in godliness” as our new normal!

See you tomorrow!

Prayer:  Lord, we work hard to get ready and prepare for Sunday.   The message we bring and present in worship is an offering.  It doesn’t have the spiritual power required to do transforming work in the heart until you fill all with your Spirit.  So in your grace, we pray for this blessing.  Let all that has been prepared and proclaimed be to your Glory, through Jesus Christ our Lord, in whose name we pray.  Amen

New Normal: Becoming Fit in our Faith

Welcome to Thursday!  It’s always good to be together in the Pastor’s Workshop!  I enjoy being with you in the Word and listening for Sunday’s message.

Thursday is the day we “put it all together”.  We look at our thoughts and musings from the week and see how they fit into a larger “whole”.

Again, as we move towards Sunday: our title is “New Normal”; our Bible verses are I Timothy 4:7-8; and our focus is “train yourself in godliness” (4:7b).

With these as our framework, what might a message be?

Here’s how my thoughts come together:

As we “shelter in place” for weeks on end, we are cultivating “new habits”.  We are establishing a new normal.

“New Normal”, that’s the term being used for what’s ahead.  What will things be like when this season of sheltering is over?  Equally as significant, what will shape or determine our “new normal”.

As you listen to commentators and pundits it’s easy to be concerned that the “new normal” will not be a “better normal”.  Possibilities of a Corona Reoccurrence, continuing Economic Distress, and Societal Stress along socioeconomic and racial lines are all lifted up as “shaping forces”.

Yet in the midst of this trouble, we remember that last Sunday we celebrated the Resurrection!  We are Easter people! Jesus Christ is our Risen Lord.  He invites us into risen life.  Easter calls us to embrace “resurrection reality” as the guiding grace that shapes our new normal!

In our faith, we have a term for a life shaped by resurrection.  The word is “Godliness”.

“Godliness” is a good word!  It’s good because it begins with “God” and God is good all the time! 

Godliness is about working God’s goodwill and God’s good ways into our will and ways.  It’s about God’s goodwill and good ways bringing healing and wholeness, well-being and strength into our daily living.

Godliness is a comprehensive word.  God’s healing and wholeness, well-being and strength would bless all facets of our lives: Body, Mind, Heart, Soul, Home, Church, and Community!

This Scripture challenges us to build that blessing into our lives as the Apostle calls us to “Train yourself in godliness”. 

Training is Exercise!  It is becoming Fit in our Faith. Like all Training, there are steps we need to take.  In this Sunday’s message the steps outlined are:  Be Mindful, Be Decisive, Be Deliberate.

And there are benefits from this Training in Godliness.  As the Apostle says, training in godliness holds promise for the present life and the life to come. We’ll look at some of these too!

The bottom line, our hope for the message is that “Training in Godliness” would become our “New Normal”.

This is just the outline.  Sunday’s message will explore and expand on these talking points.  As always, I hope that the message will not only present thoughts and proclaim God’s truth, but also invite us into action, call us to follow our Risen Lord more fully and more faithfully.

As you put your thoughts and musings together, what message came to you?  It’s always amazing how the Spirit will speak to one person one way and another person another way.  How did God’s Word in I Timothy speak a transforming word to you? 

I look forward to being with you on Saturday for the “prayer that prepares” and on Sunday as we worship together. 

In that coming blessing, I’ll see you on Saturday!

Prayer:  Gracious God,  we thank you always for how you would use your Word to speak to our hearts, awaken our minds, strengthen our spirits and call us to life with you and for others.  In that grace, which is ours in Christ, we go from the workshop into our daily work today in Jesus’ name.





New Normal: Being Deliberate.

Welcome to a blue-sky, warming up Wednesday.  In the Pastor’s Workshop, we’re hopefully halfway through our work on the message!

On Monday I announced we’re beginning a new series, an Easter series, “New Normal”.  The hope is, as we “shelter in place”, we can put in place some positive, life blessing practices that grow us in God’s grace.

Our theme verse is I Timothy 4:7-8. Have nothing to do with profane myths and old wives’ tales. Train yourself in godliness, for, while physical training is of some value, godliness is valuable in every way, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.” Our focus is “Train yourself in godliness”!

Knowing the Biblical context for this text enriches its meaning and empowers its message.  The older Apostle, Paul, is writing to his younger protégé, Timothy.  Even while Paul is still leading in the churches, he is conscious of “training up” newer, younger leaders who will faithfully carry on the ministry.  This was a heavy responsibility for Paul and for Timothy.  There were other leaders in the church who were deviating from Paul’s core message of salvation through faith In Christ.  Instead, they were focusing on minor concerns that didn’t empower followers into lives of love and service.  Paul is calling on Timothy to stay strong in his faith in Christ, training himself in godliness, that he might train up others in a strong “walk” with the Lord.

Our modern context is different.  But the importance of the call, “Train yourself in godliness”, is equally valid.

The “threat” we’re facing is not doctrinal.  It’s existential.  As we move through this time of sheltering in place, we each are establishing a new normal for our lives.  Six to eight weeks of doing anything continuously forms habits.  The question is, “Will I be deliberate in deciding what I want my new normal to be?”   

“Sheltering in Place” can be more than “passing the time”.  It can be “training in godliness”.  It can provide the time and opportunity to focus on one or two areas of your life where you want to grow in God’s grace.  “Training in godliness” is about building God’s best into your life.  It is about being fit in your faith. It is about practical piety put into place, where we make the most of this time in maturing in our walk with the Lord.

As you think about “new normal” what does that phrase mean to you?  What do you think about using this time of “sheltering in place” to establish your own “new normal”?  How might you follow the call to “Train yourself in godliness”?  What are one or two things you could start that would bless your health and well-being either physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually?  Jot down your thoughts.

The Apostles says there are benefits “in this life” to this training.  The clearer we are on the benefits, the more motivated we will be in following through. What would be the benefits if you did what you listed above to “train yourself in godliness” and establish your new normal?  Record your answers.  Review them.  Pray about them.  As you meditate on them do you find motivation in them?

Tomorrow, Thursday, we’ll begin to put all “your pieces”, all “your notes” from Monday-Wednesday together and see how the Spirit might speak to you. What message is God giving you?  I look forward to being with you at that time as we continue together in the Pastor’s Workshop.

Prayer:  Lord, when we think of the world we live in and the challenges we face, we see how the call to “Train yourself in godliness” would be a blessing we need.   By your Spirit draw us ever more deeply into that discipline of development so we might grow in your grace and bless our family and friends through our faith in Jesus Christ.  In his holy name, we pray.   Amen