New Normal: Being Deliberate.

Welcome to a blue-sky, warming up Wednesday.  In the Pastor’s Workshop, we’re hopefully halfway through our work on the message!

On Monday I announced we’re beginning a new series, an Easter series, “New Normal”.  The hope is, as we “shelter in place”, we can put in place some positive, life blessing practices that grow us in God’s grace.

Our theme verse is I Timothy 4:7-8. Have nothing to do with profane myths and old wives’ tales. Train yourself in godliness, for, while physical training is of some value, godliness is valuable in every way, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.” Our focus is “Train yourself in godliness”!

Knowing the Biblical context for this text enriches its meaning and empowers its message.  The older Apostle, Paul, is writing to his younger protégé, Timothy.  Even while Paul is still leading in the churches, he is conscious of “training up” newer, younger leaders who will faithfully carry on the ministry.  This was a heavy responsibility for Paul and for Timothy.  There were other leaders in the church who were deviating from Paul’s core message of salvation through faith In Christ.  Instead, they were focusing on minor concerns that didn’t empower followers into lives of love and service.  Paul is calling on Timothy to stay strong in his faith in Christ, training himself in godliness, that he might train up others in a strong “walk” with the Lord.

Our modern context is different.  But the importance of the call, “Train yourself in godliness”, is equally valid.

The “threat” we’re facing is not doctrinal.  It’s existential.  As we move through this time of sheltering in place, we each are establishing a new normal for our lives.  Six to eight weeks of doing anything continuously forms habits.  The question is, “Will I be deliberate in deciding what I want my new normal to be?”   

“Sheltering in Place” can be more than “passing the time”.  It can be “training in godliness”.  It can provide the time and opportunity to focus on one or two areas of your life where you want to grow in God’s grace.  “Training in godliness” is about building God’s best into your life.  It is about being fit in your faith. It is about practical piety put into place, where we make the most of this time in maturing in our walk with the Lord.

As you think about “new normal” what does that phrase mean to you?  What do you think about using this time of “sheltering in place” to establish your own “new normal”?  How might you follow the call to “Train yourself in godliness”?  What are one or two things you could start that would bless your health and well-being either physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually?  Jot down your thoughts.

The Apostles says there are benefits “in this life” to this training.  The clearer we are on the benefits, the more motivated we will be in following through. What would be the benefits if you did what you listed above to “train yourself in godliness” and establish your new normal?  Record your answers.  Review them.  Pray about them.  As you meditate on them do you find motivation in them?

Tomorrow, Thursday, we’ll begin to put all “your pieces”, all “your notes” from Monday-Wednesday together and see how the Spirit might speak to you. What message is God giving you?  I look forward to being with you at that time as we continue together in the Pastor’s Workshop.

Prayer:  Lord, when we think of the world we live in and the challenges we face, we see how the call to “Train yourself in godliness” would be a blessing we need.   By your Spirit draw us ever more deeply into that discipline of development so we might grow in your grace and bless our family and friends through our faith in Jesus Christ.  In his holy name, we pray.   Amen