
Children learn about faith first at home, second at church. We take the spiritual development of your children very seriously, as our mission is to raise up the next generation of faith.  Children are the church of today.

 “Allow the children to come to me,” Jesus said. “Don’t forbid them, because the kingdom of heaven belongs to people like these children.” Matthew 19:14 

Spring Valley offers a wide variety of activities and programs designed to increase the knowledge and understanding of God's love. Your child will be taught about the love of Jesus through Bible stories, songs, prayers, and other learning activities. It is our goal to help children not only to learn who God is but learn how He is working in their lives.

If you have any questions about the children's ministry, contact Maeson Bryant, Director of Family Ministries.



At Spring Valley we believe Sunday mornings are one of the most important mornings in your child's week. Our volunteers and staff use this time to share God's love and Word while fostering meaningful relationships with our kids!

Using the unique model of Study, Sing, Serve, children between the ages of 2 years old and 6th grade* rotate through Bible lessons, choir, and mission time during the Sunday School hour.

Guests are encouraged to visit the welcome center to be directed to your child's classroom.

*ages as of September 1.



This is the first experience many children have with Spring Valley UMC.  Childcare is provided by trained caregivers in a loving environment.  Infants and toddlers are cared for in age-appropriate rooms and participate in activities that reinforce biblical principles.  

SVUMC provides childcare during all worship services and Sunday School on Sunday mornings, as well as during certain special activities and meetings.

Please see the welcome desk for childcare locations and times.



Sixth graders (or older) are invited to participate in Confirmation which occurs every other year. Our next session will begin in September. They are taught by Shea Wilkins, Director of Children and Family Ministries and Rev. Dr. Frank Drenner.


We encourage you and your family to be part of our children's ministry.  Your participation in your child’s faith development only serves to reinforce the values you teach at home. They learn best by example, so please join this special ministry of children’s faith formation.

Questions? Contact Maeson Bryant