We hope you will consider joining us for worship. Spring Valley UMC is a community where you will be welcomed. We know visiting a church for the first time isn’t always easy, so we have provided some information about what to expect.
When are the worship services?
Spring Valley offers one Sunday worship service at 10:30 a.m. in the Sanctuary. This is a classic service with our Chancel Choir.
Where can I park?
Park anywhere you see an open space or look for the “Guest Parking” signs mid-way in the parking lot. You will see a parking lot in front of our main entrance at 7700 Spring Valley Road. You can also enter the parking lot from Peyton Drive.
How should I dress?
When visiting Spring Valley, please wear whatever you feel most comfortable in. You will see attire ranging from jeans and casual shirts to suits and ties, and everything in between. We care more about the person inside than the clothes you wear.
Where do my kids go?
Child care for ages kindergarten and under is available during all services. Sunday School for 2-year-olds through 6th grade is offered at 9:30 a.m. and includes Bible stories, missions, and music. During service, we have a “Children’s Moment” to illustrate Christian teachings at a level that children can understand. Following this lesson and the Doxology, children may either continue in worship with their parents or accompany their teacher to worship care. We also have a Kids Worship Service available at 10:30 a.m. at the same time as regular worship.
What do Methodists believe?
United Methodism is a Christian faith that follows the mission statement of "making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world." The motto of United Methodism is “Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors.”
Is there an easy place where I can get information?
As you enter the front door, there’s a Welcome Center where a greeter will provide information of interest and answer your questions.
How can I learn what’s going on at Spring Valley?
There are several ways to keep up with what is happening at Spring Valley. Check out our website, especially the Events page. Subscribing to “Behold,” our weekly e-newsletter will inform you of current and upcoming activities. In the bulletin you receive in Sunday worship, you can also find a listing of activities and events.
How do I get involved with choir or other musical groups?
Spring Valley has a robust music ministry that offers numerous opportunities to join in for people who are musically talented or merely interested and enthusiastic. To find your perfect place, read more at the Music page.
How do I find a Sunday School class?
We offer a variety of Sunday School classes for all age groups. You can stop by the Welcome Center for help finding a class.
How can I find a place where I feel like I’ll fit in?
Spring Valley is a mid-size congregation and you will find us friendly and welcoming. We have classes, small groups, missions, and other activities that offer an easy way to begin to meet people and find your place. Check out the Get Involved section of our website for more information about various activities.
How can I join Spring Valley United Methodist Church?
If you are thinking about membership, please let one of our pastors know and they will be glad to explore this step with you.