New Normal: Our Relationships

Good to be with you at the beginning of a new week.   It’s a blessing to think about what God has ahead as we explore the Scripture together in the next seven days.

We’re continuing on in our series, ‘New Normal’.   The challenge each week has been, “What is one healthy choice you can make for one positive change that would build God’s best into your life?”

Our first week we focused on our bodies.  What is one healthy choice you could make in relation to your diet, exercise or sleep that would “glorify God with your body” (I Corinthians 6:19)?

Last week we centered on our minds.  Our theme verse was from Romans 12:2 – “Don’t be conformed to this world, be transformed by the renewal of your minds.”  What is one healthy choice you could make in relation to knowledge, wisdom or understanding (Proverbs 2:6)? Is there a subject you want to study that would broaden your understanding of the world or deepen your connection with others?  Could this be a time to do more Bible study and grow in your knowledge of the Scripture? Even as you are learning new things, what are you doing with what you know?  How you applying your knowledge to bless others and glorify God?  That’s wisdom. And thirdly, understanding --- Would this season of sheltering provide opportunity for deeper personal reflection and introspection?  As you review your thoughts and actions in light of your basic beliefs about God and God’s grace could this be a time to renew your mind and heart in the love of God in Christ?  There’s lots to think about when it comes to ‘renewing our minds’.

This Sunday is Mother’s Day.  It’s a great Sunday to think about the significant, nurturing relationships of our lives.  It’s an important opportunity to give thanks for those who have been and brought that blessing to us.  It’s a timely moment to consider how we might provide that same grace for others.

The Scripture for Sunday is Ecclesiastes 4:9-12.  It’s a well-known text.  It advances the principal that ‘two are better than one’.  At the end it takes an additional jump. If two are good then three is even better!

This week we’ll be asking, “What does that relational advice mean?”  Even more, how can we apply it?  How can we weave a “cord of three strands” that is not easily broken?

As always on Monday we immerse ourselves in the Biblical text.  Read the Scripture two or three times silently.  Then read it two or three times aloud.  See what words, phrases, cadences, clauses stand out to you.  Write these down.  The Spirit is speaking to your mind and heart!

If you’ve got the time paraphrase the Scripture In your own words.  Writing the text as you would say it is a great exercise in opening up God’s truth from your perspective.

I look forward spending this week with you focused on relationships.  I’m grateful for how God will bless our time in the Word.  As we make healthy choices, I know the Holy Spirit will be strengthening us to become the nurturing servants God would have us to be in Christ.

Prayer:  Gracious God, thank You for a new week and fresh beginnings. Thank You for the ways You’ll be at work in our minds and hearts by your Scripture and Spirit.   Use our time with You to bring a blessing into the lives of others through the relationships we share.  In the precious name of Jesus we pray.