New Normal: Renewing Our Minds

Good morning on this Monday in the Pastor’s Workshop.  It’s a new week.  It’s a clean slate.  It’s time to start thinking again about the message for Sunday.  It’s time to trust God to lead us in this creative process.

As you know we are in a series entitled ‘New Normal’.  We began two weeks ago focusing on ‘training ourselves in godliness’.  Our theme verse was I Timothy 4:7.  Our guiding question, ‘How do I use this time of ‘sheltering in place’ to make healthy choices for my life?’  We want to make the most of these difficult days by making a change (or two) that would become a healthy habit. We hope to build God’s best into our daily ways, not only for now but for the ‘new normal’ ahead.

Last week we got specific about this ‘training’, beginning on the most basic level – our bodies.  Our theme verse was I Corinthians 6:20.  Our leading thought was ‘glorify God with your body’.  We saw how the Apostle linked physical fitness and exercising our faith in ways we realize what’s best for our bodies is also good for our spirits.  We looked at healthy choices we could make in the areas of eating, exercise and sleep.  We received a challenge to make a change that would glorify God with how we care for the trust of our bodies.

This week we shift to a higher level – our minds.  We’ll be using several texts: Romans 12:2, II Chronicles 1:8-12 and Proverbs 2:1-15.  Our theme verses will be Romans 12:2 and Proverbs 2:6.

“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds, so that you may discern what is the will of God—what is good and acceptable and perfect.”  (Romans 12:2)

“For the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding” (Proverbs 2:6)

As you see from these texts we’ll be looking into renewing our minds with the wisdom, knowledge and understanding that the Lord gives.

As on every Monday I invite you to read through all the texts silently and then aloud.  Note what words and phrases catch your eye and ear.  Be sure to record these.  They are the stirrings of the Spirit that are the start of the creative process.

If you have time, after you have read and recited, paraphrase one or two of the texts.  How would you tell these truths in your own words?  This will help you internalize the message.

It’s always exciting to see how God will use a Scripture to bring forward a light of truth we can live by.

In that blessing I look forward to ‘training ourselves in godliness’ by ‘renewing our minds’ in the week ahead.

Prayer:  Gracious God, thank you for the gift of a fresh new week.  Thank you for the gifts of fresh new thoughts.  Thank you for fresh new leadings of your love through your Word.  In that grace thank you for how you’ll be renewing our minds in Jesus, who is the way, truth and life.   In his name we pray.