New Normal: Be Transformed By the Renewing of Your Mind

Good day! It’s great to be together on Tuesday in the Pastor’s Workshop.

Yesterday we introduced our ‘New Normal’ focus for the week – our minds.  Our theme for our message – our minds matter!

Today we look at the nature and structure of our text (or texts).  How are they written in ways that advance our message?

This week is unusual for us.  We’re working with three Scriptures: Romans 12:2, II Chronicles 1:7-12, Proverbs 2:1-15.  They approach our theme from different perspectives.

Romans 12:2 is an exhortation. It’s a statement of broad principle by the Apostle Paul to the believers in Rome. It’s a call into the transformed life found in following Christ.  “Be transformed by the renewal of your minds”.  He’s inviting them to think differently about life, to adopt a different perspective on their priorities.  How they’re using their minds really matters.

II Chronicles is a personal illustration.  It’s an encounter between God and Solomon.  Solomon had ascended to being king of Israel.  God, in faithfulness to the covenant with Israel, ‘asks’ Solomon, “what should I give you?” It is Solomon’s big opportunity to express his heart’s desire.  He is guided in his request by the greater responsibilities that are now his.  He asks for ‘wisdom’.  God is pleased.  ‘Wisdom’ seeks a greater good than personal gain.  ‘Wisdom’ uses knowledge in ways that others are blessed.  ‘Wisdom’ equips Solomon to live into the unique purpose God has opened for him.

Proverbs is a word of instruction.  “Make your ear attentive to wisdom and incline your heart to understanding.” (verse 2).  As we make our choices about how we focus our minds the teacher of Proverbs wants us to know “the Lord gives wisdom: from his mouth come knowledge and understanding.” (verse 6).   These three, knowledge, wisdom, and understanding, will “guard paths of justice” and “save us from the ways of evil” (verses 8 and 12).

As we “train ourselves in godliness” (our overall theme verse) this exhortation, illustration and instruction all work together.  They provide us a principle, a picture and a practice all moving the message forward.

What do you see in these texts?  Does one ‘speak’ to you more than the others?  What do you think is most important about what they are lifting up?  What do they say to guide your growth in knowledge, wisdom and understanding?  Make sure to write down your thoughts!

Today will look at the texts. Tomorrow we look at the contexts.  What are the contrasts that add deeper meaning to the message?  I look forward to investigating that blessing with you!

Prayer: Gracious God, you give your Word through your Scriptures.  Open our minds by your Spirit that the words of the Bible would be for us a light of truth.  Help us to exercise our minds in faith that we might enter more fully into the knowledge, wisdom and understanding you would give through Jesus our Lord, who is the Way, Truth and Life. In his name we pray. Amen