New Normal: Preparing A Sermon

We've made it through another week! I'm glad we've done it together.

I'm also thankful we've taken time to think about our bodies and our faith! I'm grateful we've spent time in the Scripture (I Corinthians 6:19-20). I know God has blessed your time of study and reflection.

Saturday is our final day of preparation in the Workshop. We've got our message written and ready. But we're not done.

Today is a day we also "practice preach." We preach the sermon aloud at home. My refrigerator has been "converted" more than most fridges! You don't want your time in the pulpit to be the first time you ever have voiced a message.

There's a "shaping" that happens as a message is said aloud. "Rough edges" are rephrased and 'bumpy' sections are smoothed. It's key to the preparation process.

On Saturday we also "prepare with prayer." We place the worship hour in God's hands. We ask God to work, opening our minds, and encouraging our hearts. We pray that the preached word would give voice to the Spirit's call, drawing us closer to Christ and his ways for our lives.

This week particularly I pray we would see this time of sheltering as an opportunity to make healthy choices for our bodies. I hope we might start a habit or two that would be a "training in godliness." I ask God to help us make a holistic connection between our body and our spirit. I pray we would take a step to build God's best into our bodies as an exercise of faith.

Sunday worship is a time when God works. Worship anchors us in grace. It centers us in Christ's love. It strengthens us to serve our family, neighbors, and world in Jesus' ways. In that gift God gives in Jesus Christ I look forward to being with you tomorrow! (Our viewing time now starts at 6:00 am. Since we're taped you can tune in any time!)

See you then!

Prayer: Lord, thank you for this final day to rest up and get ready. We pray you would work in a special way in our lives as we worship you tomorrow. We are grateful that even as we shelter in place we can worship together in Spirit. In that blessing we have in you, we give you thanks for our week past and our worship tomorrow, in Jesus' name. Amen

In Christ,
