New Normal: God's Transforming Truth

Welcome to the Workshop on this beautiful day.  It’s Thursday and we’re almost through!

As you know, Thursday is when we collect all our thoughts and notes.  We put them together and see how they fit with each other.  We seek to discern a ‘larger picture’.  We look for a message emerging.

I’ll share my thoughts about what I’m experiencing.  Even as I do that, I hope you’ll look at your own writings and reflections.  See the message the Spirit would be speaking to you.  The great thing about Scripture is that the Spirit will use it to speak a message unique to you and your needs for God’s grace today. 

Here’s the message coming forward for me.

Our focus phrases for the message come from Romans 12:2, “be transformed by the renewal of your minds” and Proverbs 2:6, “The Lord gives wisdom, and from his mouth come knowledge and understanding."

As we go through this season of sheltering in place, one of the challenges I have kidded about with family and friends is coming out of this time “without losing our minds”. Even though “sanity” is a great goal, I have higher hopes for this message. 

The text invites us to embrace this reality, God’s truth is a ‘transforming truth’.   God’s truth will change the way you look at life, the world, others, and yourself, if you give it a chance. Our focus verse calls us to renew and refresh our minds with that transforming truth of God.

Our challenge for this week (which is a similar to the one issued in last week’s message): “What is one healthy choice you could make that would be a positive change in any one of these three areas, knowledge, wisdom, or understanding (Proverbs 2:6) as a step to renew your mind with God’s transforming truth?”

We start off with ‘knowledge’.  How can we grow in what we know?  In our information age we are swamped with an availability of information. How can we not be overwhelmed?  Perhaps the four most important words for us to learn – “I have a choice!”  We have a choice of what we “focus on” and what we “filter out”.  We make that choice knowing “Good Healthy Information leads to Positive Personal Transformation”. 

So what is it you want to “focus on”, study, or learn, during time?  What would expand your understanding of the world or deepen your insights into others? Would this be a good time for you to spend extra time in the Scriptures?  Would a good study workbook, devotional guide or even the Bible itself bring a blessing that would renew your mind in the transforming truths of God? 

Or, could it be that a healthy step would be what you “filter out”?  Sometimes the healthy step is not what we include, but what we exclude.  Is there anything detrimental or distressing you need to “filter out” and refocus your energies to something more positive and productive? Could this be a time to grow in what you know?

Secondly, wisdom.  If knowledge is about “what” we know, wisdom is about “how” you use what you know.  If knowledge involves information, wisdom brings in application.  As Solomon asks for wisdom in II Chronicles 1, he’s requesting God enable him to use what he knows so he can provide leadership for the people of Israel.  He wants to use his knowledge to bless the nation with leadership and glorify God through his kingly rule.  As you seek Wisdom, how might you use what you know (in an area of your expertise or subject you have mastered) to be a blessing to others and bring glory to God?  Part of wisdom, when exercised, is knowing the struggles others are facing, the challenges they are seeking to overcome, and the concerns they have on their hearts.  As you are aware of their need you can bring your care compassionately and wisely!  Is there a way that you could grow in wisdom?

Lastly, understanding.  If knowledge is “what” and wisdom is “how” then understanding is “why”.  Understanding provides underlying insight. It offers deeper perspective on what influences our choices. Sometimes the best way to grow in understanding is to know that “To Renew your mind, you have to Review your beliefs”.   Sometimes the key to renewing our minds lies in reviewing our basic beliefs about life, God, Jesus, ourselves, and others in the light of God’s truth.

So far that’s how the message is moving forward for me.  As you can see, there’s lots to think about.  I guess that’s appropriate for a sermon entitled, “My Mind Matters”. 

What message is emerging for you?  What would you title your thoughts?   Sometimes coming up with a title can be a great challenge. It makes you crystalize your core message into 2 or 3 words.

Even as you’re thinking about your message, I’d also invite you to reflect on this week’s challenge, “What is one healthy choice you could make that would be a positive change in knowledge, wisdom or understanding, to renew and refresh your mind in God’s transforming truth?”  I pray your answer would be a blessing for you and for others.

In that transforming grace I look forward to being with you again on Saturday and on Sunday as we “renew our minds” together.

Prayer: Gracious Lord, we thank you that yours is a “transforming truth”.  As we live in light of your word and ways you change how we see and experience life.  We are grateful for this blessing of renewing our minds by your grace.  Lead us forward in this healthy choice and positive change by your Holy Spirit.  In the name of Jesus, the Way, Truth, and Life we pray. Amen