New Normal: What Will Be

Welcome to Wednesday! It's a blessing to be together. I'm excited to explore God's word with you.

As we noted yesterday, this weekend is Memorial Day. As part of our service we will remember and honor those who have served and sacrificed for our freedoms. In our New Normal series we will focus on "Eternity."

Our text is II Corinthians 5:1-9. In midweek we consider the world into which this word was proclaimed. What was the setting for the Scripture? What was the darkness into which the Apostle sought to shine a light of Hope?

Paul wrote to a church where the reality of Resurrection was in debate. I Corinthians 15:12 questions, "How do some among you say there is no resurrection of the dead?"

He spoke into this controversy with confidence. Our text this week reflects his conviction.

The Scripture is full of contrasts. He speaks of our present body as a "tent," a temporary shelter. He witnesses to our eternal home as a "building," a permanent residence. Our current "housing" is "made with hands." We know frailties and afflictions. Our future home will be perfect and complete, eternal and heavenly. In the transition time, where we find ourselves today, we know the tension between what is and what will be. In this awareness there is a "groaning." And yet In the midst of the groaning, there is a growing grace. There is a confidence. In this confidence we walk by faith, not by sight. We live today in the light of what will be tomorrow. We live Eternity Now.

In our day we know how easy it is to loose sight of Eternity. The demands of the moment can easily eclipse our vision. When that happens our days can be filled with moaning and groaning. Skepticism can rob us of our confidence of an eternal home. When that happens the future grows dim.

Into that darkness the Scripture witnesses this light of truth. God has purposed and planned a great and gracious gift of life. Eternal life with God is God's intention in Christ. His resurrection is the breakthrough and his Spirit is the guarantee. As he says in verse 4, when we leave this world our lives are "swallowed up by life.". In God's love our lives are always with the Lord, so whether in this world or in heaven we are always with the Lord.

On this Memorial Day weekend as we remember and honor those who have served and sacrificed and as recall the lives of our own dear and departed ones we do so in light of this hope in Christ. In him their reality is Resurrection. In that conviction we find our peace. In that confidence we discover our purpose to live Christ's transcendent love in ways that would transform our world today.

Prayer: Gracious God, we thank you for your Holy Spirit, always reminding us that even as your love is forever, our life in you is eternal. Strengthen us in that grace that we may walk by faith and witness in service. This we pray through the one who is the eternal Way, Truth and Life, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

In Christ,
