Congregational Letter

Dear Friends at Spring Valley, 

Grace and peace as we come to the end of June.  I hope this letter finds you safe and well. 

As you know, it has been three and a half months since we last gathered at church.  That’s a long time.  Many of us feel the loss of personal fellowship.  I look forward to when we can be together again. 

Two questions regularly arise, “When will we reopen?” and “What will that look like?”  Here is an update on those questions.

As you remember, in March the Bishop decided to close the churches of the North Texas Conference because of the threat of the COVID virus.  His priority was the safety and security of all.  He made it clear at that time he was monitoring the COVID caseload as a determining criterion of when we would reopen. 

Unfortunately, the COVID caseload continues to go up in Dallas County.  Compared to other areas of the state we are considered a relative “hot zone”.  Because of this rise in numbers and the increased risk, the Bishop has decided to postpone reopening the churches in the Metro District (Dallas County). Currently, this closure will remain in effect through the end of July.  The Bishop will be visiting with the pastors towards the end of that month for an update.  

I know this is disappointing news.  Yet it is understandable. 

I do want to remind us of ministries currently available and alert us to opportunities ahead.

  • Sunday worship is available online at beginning at 6:00 a.m. every Sunday.

  • Many adult Sunday School classes are meeting regularly by Zoom or conference calls.

  • A daily blog is posted on and is also being emailed.  This pastor’s blog is a devotional guide that will enrich your Sunday worship.

  • Children’s Sunday School lessons are being emailed each week.

  • Youth are meeting via Zoom every Sunday at 6:00 p.m.

  • Vacation Bible School was held via Zoom last week.  We celebrate this “first of a kind” VBS.

Additionally, two significant ministries are coming.

  • Later in July Bert and John are planning an online concert.  I know it will be glorious.  You will want to watch the Behold and the website for details. 

  • Youth ministry will have some special summer opportunities.  Our Youth families will be receiving more information about the upcoming ministry.

Lastly, even though our reopening is delayed, preparations for that step are ongoing.  A Reopening Task Force has been working hard, preparing an extensive plan for our reopening called, “A Reopening Covenant”.  They have completed their work and will be forwarding it to the Trustees and the Church Council for their review and approval. This Covenant couples the best practices of mutual safety and health with high-quality ministry needs and desires.  I am grateful for the efforts of our Task Force, Trustees, and Church Council as they continue to prepare us for our eventual reopening.

I know this has been a lengthy communication. I appreciate your patience in reading through it.  If you have any particular questions or concerns please feel free to contact me at  

I also appreciate your continued mutual ministry with one another as a church family.  None of us have ever experienced anything like what we are going through.  In the midst of these difficult days, I have heard wonderful stories of how you have kept in contact and cared for one another.  This mutual support has sustained our church.  It is an expression of the Holy Spirit working in our midst.  I praise God for this blessing.

As I said in my opening, I know how much we miss being with one another.  The gift of fellowship is something we will never again take for granted.  And I can’t wait until we reopen our doors and are together. 

With this hope and with faith in our gracious God, who leads us in these difficult days, I am grateful to continue forward in Christ’s ministry now and always with you at Spring Valley.


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