Prepare with Prayer – June 27
Grace and Peace on this Saturday. I’m glad we can finish the week together in the Workshop.
As you know, this week we started a new series called “Prepare with Prayer”. And on Saturday that’s exactly what we do – we prepare with prayer for Sunday morning! What we’re celebrating with this message is that “prepare with prayer” is not only a good mantra for Saturday and Sunday, it also works Monday through Friday too!
Preparation is the key to doing anything competently and confidently. Prayer opens us to God’s working in whatever we do. So when you “prepare with prayer” you get a “double dose” of readiness.
So how will you prepare with prayer for Sunday? What hopes will you be lifting up? Particularly in light of Psalm 118:19-24, what will your prayers be?
Here are a few of mine:
I pray “Prayer” would become a powerful tool we can use more effectively to integrate our faith more fully into our daily lives.
I pray we would develop a habit of prayer. I ask we would enter every day through this “gate of righteousness” (Psalm 118:19).
I pray we use our time in prayer to present our day to God. I hope we will ask God’s guidance in becoming more loving witnesses for Jesus Christ, our cornerstone (Psalm 118:21-23).
I pray we would discover each day holds the potential to be “a day the Lord has made” (Psalm 118:24).
That’s what I’m asking of God. What are your prayers? Make sure you record them. As we go through the series, you’ll be able to look back on what you have prayed and see how God has answered your prayers and grown you in faith.
I’m glad we have started this journey in prayer together. I hope it will be a wonderful blessing for you and for all our readers.
In this hope I look forward to being with you in worship on Sunday morning!
Prayer: Gracious God, thank you for this week. Thank you for this opportunity to learn more about prayer and grow in this grace. Thank you for how you hear and answer our prayers in your love for us in Jesus Christ. Thank you for how he is the cornerstone upon which we pray. We lift up this prayer and all our prayers in his precious and holy name. Amen.