New Normal: Praying for Sunday

Finally, it’s Saturday!  So glad to be with you today.  We’re almost to Sunday and to sharing the message in worship.  

Even as we’ve labored long in the writing, we know the work is not done.  Our work is part of God’s larger working. We may write and preach, but for the word to become an “implanted word”, which inspires minds with truth and renews hearts in hope, that’s all by God’s Spirit.

On Saturday we pray God will bless all we have done. We ask our message would be the gift of grace we hope it would be.  Our efforts are presented as an offering.  As with any offering we bring it humbly, asking God receive it, bless it, and use it to accomplish Christ’s will and work. I lift that prayer for the message.

On Saturday I also pray for myself as the preacher.  I pray for clarity and conviction. I ask God would use me to be a communicator and conveyor of grace.

I pray for our church family and for all who have the opportunity to come.   I pray God’s Spirit would prompt all to join in the worship of our glorious God and receive a gift of grace God has for each. I ask God bless the gift they receive, so that as everyone lives into the week ahead, they could do so as witnesses of Christ’s love by how they love others.

Yes, on Saturday there’s always lots to pray for. I’m grateful to be able to do that with you. More than that, I’m thankful that in Jesus Christ we know God hears and answers our prayers to other’s good and God’s glory.

Have a terrific Saturday.  Enjoy your weekend.  And I’ll see you tomorrow as we move from the workshop into worship!

Prayer:  Gracious God, You give us the gift of prayer that we might center ourselves in Your Presence and Your Purpose.   We pray You bless the Sunday morning message, that it might be the implanted word, taking root in our hearts and bearing fruit in our daily living. Lord, thank You for pouring your Holy Spirit into our human spirits to refresh and renew us in the life we share with You.  In this grace we give You our thanks through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen