Welcome to the "Pastor's Workshop". As I shared on Monday my hope is to welcome you into a creative process which happens each week as a pastor seeks to discern and give voice to a word from God, based in the Scripture as the word of God.
This week we are working with Psalm 46. It is a Psalm of Comfort in the midst of Crisis.
On Monday we Listened to the Text. We read and re-read the Scripture (Psalm 46) silently and aloud, noting words, phrases, and images that spoke to our minds and hearts. We prayed for spiritual inspiration (a "holy imagination") as we went into this weekly time of creating.
On Tuesday we Looked at the Text. We examined the Scripture's structure. What are the parts of Scripture? How do they fit together? What is the function of each in advancing the overall message of faith?
On Wednesday (today) we look at the Context of the Text. What is the World that the Word is spoken into? How does understanding the Context and the World shape and sharpen the message of the Text and the power of the Word? We seek to look into the Context of the Text and the World of the Word both historically and existentially.
As a background for Psalm 46 we need to know that Jerusalem was considered the city of God built on the holy mountain of the Lord. It is the location where Abraham is to have offered up Isaac, where David established the political and religious capital of the united Israel, and where Solomon built the Temple. Yet even as Jerusalem held this supreme status, it endured sieges from many enemies throughout the centuries. The images of "nations raging", "kingdoms tottering" and "wars, bows and spears" mentioned in Psalm 46 were never far from anyone's mind.
Verses 2 and 3 of the Psalm picture a world convulsing with an earthquake. The earth is changing, mountains shaking and waters roaring and foaming. Everything that seemed immovable and certain is now unstable and insecure. The whole of what constitutes life is now in tumult.
In the midst of this upheaval the powers that be are in an "uproar" (verse 6). Nations don't seem to know exactly what to do. "Kingdoms" can't keep up with the demands and they "totter" under the weight of the crisis.
Verses 8 and 9 raise the images of "desolation" and "warfare."
Your Reflection:
As you reflect on the Scriptural images lifted up in Psalm 46 how do they give expression to what you are experiencing in our world and in your life? Jot down your thoughts.
As you find yourself moving through this time of tumult in what ways do you find yourself getting caught up in the crisis? Again, jot down your thoughts.
What "threats" are you experiencing in these days? How do the words of the Scripture give voice to them?
What "fears" are you experiencing these days? How do the words of the Scripture give voice to them?
As you think about the "threats" and "fears", how do they impact and amplify the call to "Be Still and Know that I am God"? Jot down your thoughts.
As you do all of this, know that as you get more in touch with the trouble and trial a text is speaking into you can experience its power more fully and clearly.
O God of Calm and Peace, who would speak into our every "lifequake" and crisis, fill us with an assurance of your Presence and Power in these days through your Holy Scripture. Let us hear again the call to "Be Still" and know that in your love in Christ we find how faith rises above fear. And even as we would know your peace, let us be those who pass your peace to so many who are caught up in the anxiety and fear that permeate our world. Lord, we lift this prayer to you, in the name of the One who is our Refuge, Strength and Very Present Help, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen
In Christ,