Outbreak of Grace: Jesus' Final Days

Welcome to Monday of Holy Week in the Pastor’s Workshop.  Holy Week in the workshop is a week of extremes.

On one hand, during the course of the week, we find ourselves spiritually walking through the final days of Jesus’ earthly life.  Highlights of the week including gathering at the table of the Upper Room and, in solemnity, remembering how Jesus joined with his disciples in a final meal.  Then, we move from that evening and turn to the cross.  There we experience how the sacrament witnesses to sacrifice.  We bow with wonder as Jesus gives his life in love.

Even as we are commemorating all of this, we are preparing to celebrate the ultimate victory of life and love that is Easter morning.  We are reflecting upon Jesus rising from the grave.  We hear the Scriptural witness of his resurrection how his resurrection opens the promise of eternal life with God for us all.

I’ve chosen two Scriptures for our focus this Easter.  One is an intimate encounter between a grief-stricken Mary and a gentle Christ.   This Scripture is John 20:1-3, 11-18.  It is Mary’s discovery of Easter.

The other text tells us a “mystery” of cosmic proportions.  It proclaims that death as a principality and a power has been “swallowed up” in victory.  We’ll be reading and reflecting upon I Corinthians 15:51-58.

And so, as invite you to do every Monday, please read each text, silently at first and then aloud.  As you read, listen:  listen for words that capture your attention, the powerful words for you; listen for emotions, the depths, and height of the human experience; listen for breakthroughs, how “Easter emerges”; listen for the glory of the great triumphal announcement, coming in all subtlety and in all majesty.  Listen for how the Holy Spirit would “speak” to you through the Scripture.

And as the Spirit speaks, write it down.  Don’t let your inspirations get away from you.  They are the stirrings of creativity that will make for a message later in the week.  And what a wonderful message it will be, as we proclaim the “mystery” of Easter and the miracle of the Victory of Jesus Christ!

Prayer: Lord, as we begin our work this week, open our ears, our minds, and our hearts.  As we read the Scriptures let us hear with wonder and joy the “word” you would speak to us - a “word” of help and hope.  Minister your “mystery” and “miracle” of love and life to us in ways that we might know a fuller joy this Easter morning.  In your Holy Name, we pray.   Amen