Outbreak of Grace: Holy Saturday

Welcome to the Pastor’s Workshop on this Holy Saturday.  As you know, Saturday is the day we prepare with prayer for what will happen tomorrow.

Holy Saturday is an interlude.  As Jesus lays in the tomb there is a “rest” between what just happened in the Crucifixion and what is about to unfold in the Resurrection.  How will we pray in this time of “sabbath rest”?  How will we pray in ways that get our hearts ready for Easter?

This year, more than ever, we need to hear the good news of Easter.  In our world, where mortality is a dominating darkness, we need to know that the light of resurrection is the ultimate reality. 

And so much of our prayer would center on asking God to let the victory of the Risen Christ and the triumph of Life and Hope in him ring through loud and clear!

I would also pray that we would know that his victory is our victory.  The Apostle wrote about it like this, “Thanks be to God who gives us the victory through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ”. 

So I pray we would know that his resurrection has assured us of a forever life with him beyond this world.  As Jesus said, “Because I live you shall live also.”

I also pray we understand that this risen life with Christ starts now.  Just as with Mary, we are witnesses to the resurrection as we live out our faith in our living and loving Lord daily.   Each day holds a promise of Easter!

The good news is that “He is Risen!  He is Risen Indeed! My hope is that this glorious good news would fill our worship and lift our hearts.  My prayer is that our worship would be part of how God would bring this Easter blessing to all!

What are your prayers for this Easter?  For yourself? Your friends and family? Our church? Our world? Tomorrow’s message?  Tomorrow’s worship?  Jot them down.  Lift them up!

Know that as you offer your prayer in Jesus’ name and for the sake of Christ’s coming Kingdom, God hears and answers to advance the saving purpose for which Jesus died and rose!  Easter day – Every day!

Prayer: O “resting Lord” who is soon to be our Risen Savior, we pray you would fill this Easter with the hope that we and all your world need in these days.  Raise up in us an assurance in your Risen Presence.  Let that faith rise up to newness of life in our hearts, all to your glory!  In the glorious and precious name of Jesus Christ our Risen Lord we pray. Amen.