Outbreak of Grace: Crunch Day

Happy to be with you on this beautiful Thursday in the "Pastor's Workshop."  It's always good to spend time together!

Thursday in the workshop is "crunch day."  It's a day when we bring together all our thoughts, ideas and notes from the first three days see how they connect to "tell a story."  

As I shared with you last week, a good sermon tells a story.  It takes us on a journey, allowing us to explore the truth of the Biblical text and experience the power of God's grace.  It is the Bible's story and your story coming together in the "sermon's story."

So for Psalm 121, this "Pilgrim Song," what story is it telling?  What pilgrimage is it taking us on?

The Psalm starts with a wondering, a questioning (and who doesn't have those in these days).  In troubled times from whom can we seek our help?

Though help may come from many sources, our ultimate Help and Hope is in the Lord our Keeper!  (vs. 5)

We claim that truth as daily stresses and strains mount up, when they get to a point where we feel we're losing solid footing and our sense of life's certainty is slipping out from under us.  (vs. 3)

We hold onto that strength (that holds onto us) when situations or circumstances "heat up," when anxiety and worry "beat down" upon us with seemingly ferocious intensity. (vs. 6)

We give thanks that God's "got us" in all our coming and goings.  And this assurance comes with a lifetime guarantee! (vs. 8)

The overarching blessing is that we have a Keeper who keeps us going!  That is a great story not only to tell but to live!

I look forward to celebrating this story with you in our sermon this Sunday, "Keeping On".  The way to "tune in" is to go to our website (svumc.org), click on “See and Hear” then “Sermons.”  It will take you right to video worship.

Not only will you get a chance to see how the work of our week turned out, you'll also be able to see how the work of Bert's, John's, and Shea's week turned out too!  There will be some beautiful and powerful music and a great Children's message that I guarantee will lift your spirits!

Even as we anticipate a great Sunday worship, I want to invite you back for the final step of preparation on Saturday.  Saturday is when we "take it all to prayer". Prayer seeks the Power and Presence of our Lord in the midst of all we've done.  No message is complete without Prayer. So come back on Saturday and we'll lift our work up to the Lord together!

In Christ,
