September Worship Series: Game of Thrones

In September, our worship series will shift. We will jump into a time machine and explore the early days of the monarchy of ancient Israel. You thought “Game of Thrones” was a fantasy TV show; oh no, it’s the real deal, featuring larger than life characters like Samuel, Saul, David and Solomon. The Israelite monarchy, the establishment of Jerusalem as the capital of the unified kingdom, the Ark of the Covenant… all this and more will be discussed each week. These are some of the most riveting, and controversial, narratives of the Hebrew Bible. Here is an outline:

Sept 1: 1 Samuel 8:4-20, 11:14-15

Sept 8: 1 Samuel 15:34-16:14

Sept 15: 2 Samuel 11:1-15

Sept 22: 2 Samuel 18:5-9, 15, 31-33

Sept 29: 1 Kings 2:10-12; 3:3-14

Spring Valley Recognized at RISD School Board

Spring Valley recognized at Richardson ISD School Board!

Maeson Bryant, our new Director of Community Engagement and Family Ministries, David Smith, Lay Leader and Missions Chair, and Pastor Frank received recognition on the church's behalf last Thursday. We participated in the Backpack Bash, raising $7500 to donate 375 backpacks filled with school supplies to families at Northwood Hills Elementary. Many thanks to David Smith for making this happen!

Pastor Frank's Silence Retreat

A couple of weeks ago I participated in a four day silence retreat at St Francis Springs, North Carolina (near Greensboro). This was for my continuing education for this appointive year. The Big Silence retreat is hosted twice a year by two Spiritual Directors, both of whom are elders in the Western North Carolina Conference.

I was the only person from Texas; there was one from Georgia, and the rest were from North Carolina.

After dinner Monday night, we began 3 1/2 days of silence: no phones, no side reading, no distractions. I spent a couple of hours Monday evening laying in the grass, listening to nature around me. The next couple of days there were opportunities to walk trails, while walking a prayer labyrinth, and spend time at grottos or stations of the cross.

I had never done anything like this before, and I suspect that is this case for many of us. When I shared my experiences, more than one person has said: there is no way I could do that! I bet you could if you tried. Like any worthwhile practice, it takes determination and focus.

Some of the prayer practices we observed were breath prayers, centering prayer, and Lectio Divina, a practice of reading scripture for prayer, rather than seeking knowledge. So for example, look up Ephesians 4:25-5:2, my scripture from last Sunday’s sermon. You would read the text aloud, and listen for any particular word or phrase that speaks to you. Say, “imitate,” or “one body.” Then read the scripture again, paying attention for your particular chosen word. When you hear it again: Why is this particular word standing out to you? What special meaning is God conveying to you?

The retreat was a very meaningful way to remember that prayer, scripture reading, time alone in nature are all ways God speaks to us- as long as we are focused and paying attention.

- Pastor Frank

World Communion Sunday & Parade of Nations

Join us on October 6th at 10am! World Communion Sunday is a denomination-wide celebration emphasizing the value of education and training. We commemorate this day by giving generously to support young adults and make a global impact for Christ. Half of the offering benefits World Communion scholarships for undergraduate and graduate students from the U.S. and other countries. The remainder provides grants to support training for worldwide inclusion, diversity, equity, and access.

Your gift is a practical expression of care, equipping students to shape a hopeful future. Supporting United Methodist students offers both financial and spiritual encouragement, demonstrating the church's confidence in their potential. On World Communion Sunday, we join ecumenically in acknowledging our unity in Christ as we gather around His table.

Hiring: Director of Community Engagement and Family Ministries

Spring Valley UMC: Director of Community Engagement and Family Ministries

Job Description

SVUMC seeks a passionate and dedicated individual to serve as the Director of Community Engagement and Family Ministries. The Director will actively engage with community organizations, including schools, building partnerships and opportunities for ministry. The Director will also provide leadership and support to existing programs for children and students in the congregation.

This role is instrumental in fostering a vibrant and inclusive community, building needs-based ministry in the neighborhood, and facilitating spiritual growth and support for families within the church.

Reports To: Lead Pastor 


Community Engagement

  • Develop and implement strategies to engage with the local community and build meaningful relationships.

  • Coordinate outreach events, service projects, and initiatives to address the needs of the community.

  • Collaborate with local organizations and partners to leverage resources and maximize impact.

Family Ministries

  • Oversee all aspects of family ministries, including children, youth, and parents.

  • Plan and execute age-appropriate programs, events, and activities to nurture spiritual growth and development.

  • Provide support and resources for parents to strengthen family bonds and deepen their faith.

Volunteer Management

  • Recruit, train, and support volunteers to serve in various capacities within community engagement and family ministries.

  • Foster a culture of teamwork, collaboration, and servant leadership among volunteers.

Pastoral Care

  • Offer pastoral care and support to individuals and families in times of need, crisis, or transition.

  • Provide guidance and counseling to address spiritual, emotional, and relational concerns.

Communication and Promotion

  • Effectively communicate program offerings, events, and opportunities through various channels, including social media, newsletters, and announcements.

  • Promote a culture of inclusivity and hospitality that welcomes individuals and families from diverse backgrounds.


  • Bachelor’s degree in theology, ministry, social work, communications, non-profit, or a related field (Master’s degree preferred).

  • Experience working in a pastoral or ministry role, preferably in a United Methodist Church or a non-profit setting is a plus.

  • Strong interpersonal skills with the ability to connect and relate to people of all ages and backgrounds.

  • Excellent organizational and leadership abilities, with a passion for empowering others to serve.

  • Commitment to the values and mission of the United Methodist Church.

  • Ability to communicate in Spanish and English is a plus.

Spring Valley United Methodist Church is an equal opportunity employer. We encourage applications from candidates of all backgrounds and experiences. 

How to Apply

Email your resume and a a cover letter detailing your relevant experience to Rev. Dr. Frank Drenner. Please include “Director of Community Engagement and Family Ministries and Application - [Your Name]" in the subject line.
Contact Email:
Contact Phone: 972-233-7671

General Conference Update

General Conference Update

“Happy are people who are hopeless, because the kingdom of heaven is theirs.

“Happy are people who grieve, because they will be made glad.

“Happy are people who are humble, because they will inherit the earth.

“Happy are people who are hungry and thirsty for righteousness, because they will be fed until they are full.

“Happy are people who show mercy, because they will receive mercy.

“Happy are people who have pure hearts, because they will see God.

“Happy are people who make peace, because they will be called God’s children.

“Happy are people whose lives are harassed because they are righteous, because the kingdom of heaven is theirs.

“Happy are you when people insult you and harass you and speak all kinds of bad and false things about you, all because of me. Be full of joy and be glad, because you have a great reward in heaven. In the same way, people harassed the prophets who came before you.”

-The Beatitudes from the Sermon on the Mount

I appreciate everyone who came to hear me share about General Conference during the Sunday school hour last week. Thanks for the many positive comments and feedback! It was so well received that I’ve been invited back May 5 to give a recap!

If you missed the morning and have no idea what I am talking about: General Conference is the legislative body of the United Methodist Church. It meets every four years and is the only entity authorized to speak on behalf of the UMC. The Conference started this past Tuesday in Charlotte, NC and will run through next week. One hoped-for change for this Conference came to fruition yesterday: regionalization. This, if ratified by the annual conferences, will allow for regions like the US to make certain decisions based on a more localized understanding of cultural norms, while still maintaining the connectional nature of the UMC. I will say more about this and other developments on May 5.

Remember to check for official updates on General Conference at And here are a couple of prayer guides:

I’ve been thinking about Brian McLaren’s take on Jesus’ beatitudes from Matthew 5, quoted above. In his book WE MAKE THE WAY BY WALKING, McLaren reinterprets the classic text and offers this commentary:

“[Jesus’] words no doubt surprise everyone, because we normally play by these rules of the game: Do everything you can to be rich and powerful. Toughen up and harden yourself against all feelings of loss. Measure your success by how much of the time you are thinking only of yourself and your own happiness. Be independent and aggressive, hungry and thirsty for higher status in the social pecking order. Strike back quickly when others strike you, and guard your image so you’ll always be popular.

But Jesus defines success and well-being in a profoundly different way. Who are blessed? What kinds of people should we seek to be identified with?

The poor and those in solidarity with them.

Those who mourn, who feel grief and loss.

The nonviolent and gentle.

Those who hunger and thirst for the common good and aren’t satisfied with the status quo.

The merciful and compassionate.

Those characterized by openness, sincerity, and unadulterated motives.

Those who work for peace and reconciliation.

Those who keep seeking justice even when they’re misunderstood and misjudged.

Those who stand for justice as the prophets did, who refuse to back down or quiet down when they are slandered, mocked, misrepresented, threatened, and harmed.”

This should be the work of the United Methodist Church- from the General Conference to the local church. May the Holy Spirit continue to guide and govern our thoughts and actions.

-Pastor Frank

Food Packing Day - Children's Hunger Fund

Children’s Hunger Fund – Food Packing Day

Sunday, April 28th 11:15-12:15 PM

 Everyone is invited to join us after worship to put together food packs for Children’s Hunger Fund.

 Children’s Hunger Fund is a local Christian non-profit that serves families in the DFW area and worldwide. Church and other organizations provide the food needed to fill the food packs.

 Each food pack feeds one child for one week.

 Once all the food packs are ready to go, they will be pick up and sent to their headquarters for distribution.

 Saturday, May 5th 10-12 PM our Youth Group would like to invite anyone who’s interested to join them at Children’s Hunger Fund. That morning the volunteers will be creating, sorting, and filling more boxes.


*Volunteer age cut off is Kindergarten. A parent(s) of elementary aged students (K-6th grade) must attend with their child.


Please RSVP to Shea Wilkins if you are interested in attending Saturday, May 5th.

Welcome to the Team and Easter Report

Dear Church Family,

I am very excited to introduce you to Chanel James, our new accountant at Spring Valley UMC! She is the mother of two teenage boys and lives in Frisco. Chanel moved to Texas from Los Angeles nearly three years ago. She will work in the office Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. Welcome to the greatest staff team, Chanel!

I am very grateful for the work Carol Nicholas and Deb Tucker have done for us in the Business Office on a volunteer basis the last four months. And Cynthia Lee went wayyy beyond expectations finding us the greatest fit for the church and staff team, sorting through more than 100 resumes, conducting dozens of phone calls, and narrowing down the finalists. We have also recently transitioned to a more modern online software to help us with bills and payroll.  With Deb serving as Treasurer, Marci Armstrong and Terri Chepregi serving as Finance co-chairs, and the rest of the Finance committee making solid contributions, I am very confident in the finance ministry of Spring Valley. It’s only early April, and we have made significant improvements.

Wow, wasn’t Holy Week and Easter amazing?? Last Monday I was in a near vegetative state- no foolin’- Easter tired is something else. I am thankful our Staff/Parish team recently designated Easter Monday as a staff holiday in March. Allison counted up the numbers, an inclusive of every service between Palm Sunday and the second Sanctuary service for Easter, nearly 600 people participated! Roughly it looked like this:

o   Palm/Passion Sunday: 100

o   Holy Thursday: 44

o   Good Friday: 140

o   Easter Saturday service in Spanish: 17

o   Sunrise service: 23

o   9:00 Sanctuary: 85

o   10:30 Sanctuary: 180

Room to grow between now and April 20, 2025, but I was very pleased with the experiences of Holy Week and Easter. From the planning, design, communication, our staff, music ministry, facilities team, and especially our behind the scenes volunteers made it all possible. Thank you. What a gift to serve alongside such committed, loving, joyful people. We begin a new worship series this Sunday from 1 John, as we continue to live in the light of Easter. See you Sunday at 10:00.

Peace and Joy,

Pastor Frank

Living in the Light Sermon Series

We’ve celebrated Easter- now what? Join us for our next worship series, “Living in the Light,” April 7-May 12, as we continue to live out the Easter message. The series is based on 1 John, the tiny letter near the end of the New Testament. Our theme scripture is “God is light and in God there is no darkness at all” (1 John 1:5b).


Pastor Frank will offer a companion online Bible study, Mondays at noon, beginning April 15. Video call link:

2024/2025 Ministry Plan

Spring Valley UMC family,

Back in January, nearly forty members of Spring Valley participated in a leadership retreat. We thought creatively about a metaphor for our congregation (a powerful recharging station), what we needed to do to become that metaphor, and how we would go about that work. This week all of these items, found below, were officially adopted by Spring Valley’s  Church Council. This work involved hours of deliberation, conversation, and negotiation. To become the church we envision will require intentional changes to how decisions are made, what questions we ask, and how we engage with those we seek to partner with in ministry. Stay tuned for new updates as our Church Council implements the plan.

I’m excited to see where God will lead us over the next couple of years!

-Pastor Frank

2024 and 2025 Ministry Plan

To become a powerful recharging station, we must …

  • Invite the Spirit to fill us

  • Create a culture of invitation and hospitality

  • Demonstrate acceptance, care, and nurture

  • Equip & inspire people to go out to meet the needs in our world

  • Embrace the changes that will be necessary for this to happen

Spring Valley United Methodist Rule of Life

(This rule of life provides a framework for spiritual formation, community engagement, and living out the congregation's mission and values in daily life.)

  • Rest and Sabbath, Prayer and Worship: Set aside time for Sabbath rest and recreation to replenish mind, body, and spirit. Dedicate time daily for personal and communal prayer and worship, fostering a deeper connection with Christ and nurturing spiritual growth.

  • Community and Fellowship: Create an environment of love, support, and accountability within the congregation, seeking to resolve conflicts with grace and humility, and fostering healing and restoration.

  • Service and Outreach: Commit to actively serving others, both within the congregation and in the wider community, embodying the principles of compassion and social justice.

  • Study and Reflection: Commit to lifelong learning and growth as disciples of Christ, engaging in regular Bible study, and actively participating in opportunities for spiritual formation and discipleship.

  • Stewardship and Sustainability: Care for the resources entrusted to us by practicing responsible stewardship of our prayers, presence, gifts, service and witness, and promoting environmental sustainability.

  • Hospitality and Inclusivity: Welcome all who seek to join our community with open hearts and minds, embracing diversity and celebrating the unique gifts each individual brings.

  • Discernment and Leadership: Seek God's guidance and discernment in all decision-making processes, empowering servant leadership that reflects Christ's example of humility, compassion, and justice.

Enhance the Church's Impact and Integrity

  • Inventory our resources, programs and ministries to focus our efforts

  • Improve our internal communication, including Intentional and transparency about finances and fundraising

  • Better visibility / marketing / less church-y / invite community to all that we do

Offer Need-Driven Programs to our Mission Field

a)        listen first to determine which needs to address

b)        have an external orientation in this work

c)        start small with experiments rather than large programs

d)        learn and grow based on those experiences

Announcing Worship Arts Camp 2024!

Worship Arts Camp 2024

Worship Arts Camp is a weeklong camp encouraging children to tap into various fine arts as a tool for worship. 

Lift the hearts of your congregation with “What’s Up, Zak?"  The familiar tale of Zacchaeus is relived as one rich but lonely tax collector casts his ego aside and climbs a tree for just one glimpse of Jesus.   

Funny, lively songs introduce a town bustling to prepare for a visit from Jesus.  But the people who need love the most, the lowly beggars and the tax collectors, are not invited to the party.

The stories of Zacchaeus and Bartimaeus teach us about a Savior who knows us by name, and loves us, just the way we are! A wonderful story for believers of all ages.

·         Ages: Completed Kindergarten - entering 7th grade.

·         June 17-21

·         9:00 am-12:00 pm Mon- Fri.

·         Fri. ELEMENTARY students will have a special schedule for rehearsal - schedule TBA

·         Fri. - PERFORMANCE at 6 PM

Children will be participating in a full staged musical that they will put together in 5 days. This year we will perform, "What’s Up Zak".

Tuition is $100 and covers the cost of craft supplies, snacks, t-shirts, and staff costs.

Scholarships are available, we want all to be able to participate in all that God does during this amazing week.

Registration is Limited!!!

Easter Egg Hunt Donations Needed

Donations Needed for Egg Hunt – Sunday, March 30th 10-12 pm

This year we are excited to host an Egg Hunt for our church family and community!

We need lots of Easter Eggs and candy to make this event possible.

Please consider donating Easter Eggs and candy for our upcoming Egg Hunt.

There will be a donations bin outside of Shea Wilkins office.

Thank you for supporting Spring Valley Children’s Ministry.

Please contact Shea Wilkins if you have any questions.