Worship Arts Camp 2022
It’s that time of year again! Time to think about summer camps and summer plans! We are thrilled to offer our annual Worship Arts Camp this summer at SVUMC!
Monday, Jun 13 (9:00 am) to Friday, Jun 17 (7:30 pm)
Worship Arts Camp is a week-long camp encouraging children to tap into various fine arts as a tool for worship.
WHEN: June 13th - 17th
WHO: Ages: 1-year-old (as of 9-1-21)-entering 7th grade.
Preschool-aged children will participate in a week of activities geared specifically for them. They will have crafts, stories, movement, and music on their level. Parents of 1-2-year-olds will be invited to an Open House at 11 am on Friday to view their artwork and hear them sing. 3-5-year-olds will offer a short presentation before the musical at 5:30 pm and be included in a few scenes of the show.
Elementary-aged children will participate in various worship arts activities such as movement, art, acting, and music. This will culminate in a fully staged 40-minute musical, "Jonah’s Druthers".
Jonah, the prophet of Israel, sends and receives telegraphs to and from the Living God on behalf of the people, and all is fine until the Lord tells him to go to that “dirty, rotten, flea-bitten foreign city called Ninevah” and preach against it! So, wouldn’t ya’ know it, instead of boardin’ the east-bound train to Ninevah, Jonah hops a west-bound stage to Tarshish!
When a big storm comes up on the prairie, threatening to blow the stage over, the driver rolls the dice and up comes Jonah’s number as the one who must be angering “the gods.” Jonah confesses that he is running the opposite direction from what Jehovah instructed him, and he is thrown off the stage and lands in a … well (say it with yer best cowboy twang!). No, not a whale … an old, abandoned well, where he languishes for 3 days and 3 nights. And … you know what happens from there! Once again, like in all Little Big Stuff musicals, it all points to Jesus, and the Good News of the gospel.
Children, 3rd grade and up, will have an opportunity to auditioned ahead of time for lead roles. You will have an opportunity to indicate if your child would like to audition for a lead role. Information, including an audition date and audition materials, will be sent out one month before the camp.
Tuition covers the cost of craft supplies, sets, snacks, t-shirts, dinner for the children on Friday night, staff costs, and rights to the show.
Friday night dinner will only be provided to the children before they perform.
Scholarships are available, we want all to be able to participate in all that God does during this amazing week.
Registration is Limited!!